The most complete solution from Relictum Pro as a 5.0 Generation Blockchain

Milk mie
3 min readApr 5, 2020


Basically there are currently many blockchain technology users who have creative thoughts, but not all creative thinking ideas can be utilized as well as possible. Moreover, there are many users who are rash in making an investment decision, so that not all decisions made are right on target. This can also be seen from the many founders of blockchain-based platforms who are skeptical about the decisions that have been taken and ultimately choose to stop operating the platform. Because most blockchain technology users only think about profits, while thinking about market demand and honing their ability to be reliable and not wrongly targeted are the main factors that must be done by someone before finally deciding to establish a platform based on his creative ideas. So that he can maintain survival in a long period of time.

As we know that the world of blockchain is a world of investment that has a very high correlation with technological sophistication. Where every second blockchain technology will also experience significant developments, as well as the presence of new platforms that are more sophisticated. Therefore for those of you who want to be involved in the world of blockchain, it would be better if you learn in full about the services and technologies that will be used in the platform to be established. For example, you can see the persistence of Alexander Strigin and the team that has succeeded in building the latest generation blockchain called Relictum Pro.

Relictum Pro is generation 5.0 after Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and, which Relictum Pro has basic and adequate requirements so that it can ensure the work of each generation of the previous blockchain. Where Relictum Pro can carry out overall monitoring on the four previous generation blockchain, so that all work carried out by the four previous generations, can not be separated from the monitoring of Relictum Pro.

As we all know that blockchain technology has an open source system that can be developed freely by cryptocurrency users. However, blockchain technology experiences several problems that make it difficult for technology activists to deliver new projects by establishing a blockchain-based platform, this is due to the inability of blockchain technology to provide scalability for new platforms. So these platforms cannot provide projects with unlimited functionalities. Surely it would be very nice if the technology activists can develop comfortably and with direction. However, all development facilities, both scalability and development facilities must have different levels of difficulty. Actually this can be overcome with several alternatives provided by other blockchain-based platforms such as Relictum Pro.

Did you know that Relictum Pro has its own way to make it easier for technology activists who want to build a platform but are equipped with several project dimensions. Where the alternative possessed by Relictum Pro is to have its own dynamic chain and its own communication technology, which is a technology that is very different from the technology used by most blockchain-based platforms. So Relictum Pro can provide the best scalability and networking for new projects that integrate blockchain technology into their services. The use of this dynamic chain alone serves to ease the burden of the blockchain chain that processes all transactions as a whole and the use of its own communication technology or better known as hypernet functions to provide services and process transactions in a very short time.

Relictum pro as a blockchain generation 5.0 always adapts its function to the latest technological developments. So he he has a functional that is flexible so that it can be utilized in various aspects of life. Where Relictum Pro can not only solve various problems that occur in the world of the blockchain, but it can also solve various problems that occur in everyday life. Therefore for those of you cryptocurrency users who have various problems regarding the world of the blockchain, then you can rely on Relictum Pro as the best solution that can solve the problem.

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