Introducing the Milkomeda DApp Store

Milkomeda Foundation
4 min readNov 28, 2022


The Milkomeda ecosystem is growing day by day, but do you know what is built on Milkomeda? What DeFi protocols are there? What bridges connect to Milkomeda? How do you explore the Milkomeda blockchain, and what tools can you use to build on Milkomeda?

DApp discovery in the blockchain world can be difficult, and if you’re a DApp how do you get yourself out in front of users to ensure that your brilliant creation is found and put to use by users?

This is why we’re very excited to announce that the Milkomeda DApp Store is now live!

Why a Milkomeda dApp Store?

This idea first arose from this survey. In which 46% of respondents said that a “Discovery Section” would be an important feature for them in a crypto wallet. Many blockchains, especially L2s, have their own DApp stores where users can easily discover the DApps building on that blockchain, and, without these places, you’re relying on others and, increasingly, social media to inform you of what DApps you should or could be using.

After discussing this with the projects both launched and launching on Milkomeda we found that they too were heavily in favor of a DApp Store; citing that DApp Stores help to facilitate discovery, increase user engagement in projects, and increase the legitimacy of blockchains by reducing the FUD associated with them all while giving users have a place to point to where all the projects building on that chain can be seen.

Thank You to Project Catalyst

Before we break into what the DApp Store will contain we want to say a quick thank you to the voters in Project Catalyst who voted to fund our proposal for a Milkomeda DApp Store back in Fund 8.

This announcement is also the completion of that proposal, however, as stated in the proposal, we will continue to maintain and improve the DApp Store, integrate it into Flint once Milkomeda support is fully integrated (Watch this space!) and open it up to allow any and all other wallets to integrate the Milkomeda DApp Store into their interface to help their users discover the DApps built on Milkomeda!

How is the Milkomeda DApp Store Organized?

Two of the founding and continuing design principles for the Milkomeda DApp Store are that it should be intuitive and easy to browse. In the beginning, the DApp Store is split into two sections, a “DApp Store” section and an “Ecosystem” section. These are further broken down into categories.

At the initial launch the DApp Store section features 6 categories:

  • DeFi
  • Gaming
  • DAOs
  • NFTs
  • Utilities
  • Wallet

The Ecosystem section, more focused on developers, will feature 3 categories:

  • Tooling
  • Exchange
  • Infrastructure

When submitting a project the person submitting it will select which categories the project fits into — enabling users to discover the DApps and tools they can use to fulfill their needs. As time progresses and the utility of blockchain technology expands the Milkomeda ecosystem will grow and more and more DApps will be added to the directory. This will require the addition of other categories and the expansion of the Milkomeda DApp Store.


Each of the categories above will feature a list of projects that fit into it, and each project listing will feature the project’s name, its logo, and a snippet of its description. These listings also have small logos linking out to the two most recent audits completed on their code. Audits are extremely important in the world of blockchains, Web3, and we encourage all the DApps listed on our DApp Store to have their code audited by reputable companies to ensure the safety of their users.

DeFi DApps will also feature a link to their page on DeFi Lama, giving users access to another source of information allowing users to explore the statistics displayed there, such as TVL and their competitors.

Users can also post DApps that are building on Milkomeda but yet to launch. These will be labeled with “SOON” and allows DApps to be visible on the Milkomeda DApp Store before launching — helping them to increase their exposure to the users of Milkomeda, enhance their discoverability, and grow their community before launch.

Open Submission

Anyone can submit a DApp to the Milkomeda DApp Store, and all they need to do is to fill out a short form to submit it. Here they can provide all the details that will be featured in this directory of DApps. After submitting your application, you will receive an email confirming that we have received it. We strive to check and add all approved submissions to the DApp store within 48 hours. It’s that simple!

Explore the Growing Milkomeda Ecosystem Now!

The Milkomeda DApp Store is now live! So you can go ahead and check out all the innovative DApps building on Milkomeda. The Milkomeda DApp store will continue to grow and evolve as the Milkomeda ecosystem does so make sure to continue checking back to this source of truth for what is building on Milkomeda.

Thank you again to the votes of Project Catalyst for helping us bring this to the users of Cardano and Milkomeda. Follow Milkomeda to keep up will all the updates for the growing Milkomeda ecosystem.

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