Milkomeda Hackathon: A global invitation to build the next generation of DAOs for Cardano

Milkomeda Foundation
4 min readJun 13, 2022


As a Project Catalyst initiative, the Milkomeda Foundation is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for its first hackathon for the Cardano ecosystem. The focus is on building tools that will support the next Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) on the blockchain, powered by the Milkomeda side-chain!

To fulfill our initiatives with the Cardano ecosystem, we invite builders to join forces and work together on the future of DAOs on the Cardano chain.

If you are a developer in web3 and would like to create novel solutions for DAOs, the Milkomeda Foundation announces an open invitation for all teams to apply for our 2-week hackathon. The applications can be completed using the following link.

The objective of this hackathon is to challenge global teams to develop new tools and solutions for decentralized governance in the Cardano ecosystem using the programming languages they are familiar with such as Javascript, Typescript, and Solidity on top of Milkomeda’s EVM. From improving existing DAO protocols, and expanding on current user experiences, to building something completely novel from scratch, this hackathon aims to spur the developer community’s creativity in pursuit of a DAO-first future.

The hackathon is divided into five different team challenges:

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What do the different teams get if they win?

There is a total of $45K in prizes to be won, which are divided as follows:

  • First Place: $12k
  • Second Place: $10K
  • Third Place: $8K
  • Best Idea: $5K
  • Closer to launch: $5K
  • Best Pitch: $5K


The Milkomeda Hackathon will have a set of judges from several parts of the ecosystem, each with a different focus and specific expertise — from tech to investment and community to pitch:

Judging Criteria

To keep everyone on the same page, we have set three main rules:

Rule 1: Teams begin coding from day 1.

Rule 2: Teams must make their project code publicly available on a GitHub repo.

Rule 3: Teams can use other publicly available projects to bootstrap.

Ultimately, what the judges are looking for is a project that is capable of being technically implemented, have good design, potential impact, and is well developed, and pitched.

Media Partners and Ecosystem Support

The first Milkomeda Hackathon is possible thanks to the support of Project Catalyst and the whole Cardano community. As a community initiative and an important place for all developers and to connect for the building of the best tooling for the future DAOs of Cardano, we have invited powerful voices of the ecosystem to work together with us such as Pete from Learn Cardano, Bullish Dumpling, and Rick McCracken from Cardano Live.

Hackathon Agenda: How would it look like?

The Milkomeda Hackathon is organized remotely and takes place over the course of two weeks. The first day begins with a global invitation for all teams to join our live Youtube Hackathon kick-off — where we’ll provide a general overview of the Milkomeda protocol and cover all the rules and expectations for the development of each project.

A short team presentation will follow then coding will officially begin! During the next 2–5 days, there will be an open Discord channel available to solve any team’s doubts After the first week, the first Hackathon feedback will take place.

As the first half of the hackathon concludes, teams are invited to join a pitch workshop where they will receive critical feedback and guidance to prepare their final 5-minute pitch video. Each team’s final video will be evaluated by the judges within3–4 days after the last pitch reception.

Want to learn more? We invite you to check our Milkomeda Hackathon website and join no matter where you are located in the world!

For all teams that apply: Initial dates of the kick-off of the hackathon are still to be determined- we will keep all applicants posted.

