What Is A Reed Switch Used For?

Millennium Semiconductors
2 min readSep 2, 2022


Reed Switch

An electromagnetic switch called a reed switch is used to regulate the flow of electricity in a circuit. They consist of two or more ferrous reeds enclosed in a tiny glass tube-like envelope. When a magnetic field is moved in the direction of the switch, the reeds get magnetized and move together or apart.

Using a Reed Switch, we can turn a circuit on or off whenever we want. They require no electricity when in their regularly open condition because they operate by simple magnet interaction to open and close their connections. The reed switches are hermetically sealed to allow for usage in practically any environment.

When the two reeds make contact, the switch effectively functions as a gate or a bridge in an electric circuit, allowing electricity to flow around the circuit and operate a device. They are entirely controlled by invisible magnetic fields, unlike mechanical switches, which need something or someone to physically switch them on or off.

Mechanical systems often use reed switches with magnet-activated proximity sensors. Examples include tamper-proofing techniques and door and window sensors in burglar alarm systems. When the lid is closed on a laptop, reed switches have been used to put the device into sleep or hibernation mode.

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Millennium Semiconductors