Why the desperate wagon is bad for business

Sharon Miller Mentor
2 min readSep 24, 2018


Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise — running a small business is hard especially when your profit and loss shows more loss than profit. When small business owners have no money coming in they tend to jump on the desperate wagon, taking any jobs they can find.

Like my friend who justified why she couldn’t make it as a decorator, and decided to become a realtor. What happened? She didn’t make it as a realtor either. Sadly she was a great decorator (and could have been a great realtor) if she had done the hard work first. If she had taken the time to work ON her business she would be running a successful decorating company today.

Or my client who was already on the desperate wagon and thought it was a good idea to work for two weeks without pay to prove himself. Unfortunately the client he chose was unreasonable and had no intention of paying him for his work no matter how good it was.

In business you don’t always get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate, and when you are on the desperate wagon, you forget how to negotiate.

When you jump on the desperate wagon you lose sight of the reason you started your business, you forget who your perfect customer is and you can’t remember what problem you are solving for them.

When you have no work coming in, the only way to succeed is to work ON your business. You will be amazed at how much business you can generate in a short space of time. One of my clients, whose pipeline was empty, took the time to send out a personalized mass email to her database and generated four new projects. You can do it too!

👉 [3 min READ] Three things you can do right now to increase revenue

👉 [9 episodes in 10 min VIDEO] Learn about Working ON Your Business

For more practical advice for business owners follow me on Facebook at Sharon Miller Mentor and be sure to leave me a note about how you are working ON your business and generating revenue. I look forward to getting to know you.

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Sharon Miller Mentor

I help small businesses grow and become more profitable with strategic advice on structuring, messaging and positioning their business.