Mother’s Day Gifts That Give Back

Miller Center
2 min readApr 29, 2016


by Cassandra Staff

Photo Credit: Nokero

Want to give Mom a gift that shows your love for her and also spreads love to others around the world? Purchase a one-of-a-kind gift made by a social enterprise — a business that creates positive change in poor communities.

Here are five great Mother’s Day gift suggestions that do double duty:

* Hand-woven baskets are symbols of wealth of friends, family and life in some African communities. Makers of these baskets save money, buy land, and create new businesses. From $19 (Source: All Across Africa)

* Organic coffee, grown on small farms in Kenya, offers a living wage to women — from the slums of Kibera — who work to put their children through school. From $7 (Source: Vava Coffee)

* Solar lights enable households without electricity to read and work at night. From $20 (Source: Nokero)

* Fine modern jewelry handmade by Kenyan artisans from sustainable materials. From $20 (Source: Soko)

* Contemporary textiles produced by traditional craftspeople in the Kumaon Himalayas are made with earth-friendly colors from plant-based pigments. From $15 (Source: Avani)

Photo credit: Soko, Inc.

These social enterprises, all affiliated with the Global Social Benefit Institute at Santa Clara University’s Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship, showcase how innovation — and entrepreneurship in service to humanity — can result in beautifully crafted products as well as a path out of poverty for their creators.

Now go on: Make your Mama proud.

Cassandra Staff hopes that a carefully chosen Mother’s Day gift for her Mom will atone for her cringe-worthy ‘Sassy Cassy’ teenage years. Now mother to two-year-old Lucille, Staff is also director, Global Social Benefit Institute, at Santa Clara University’s Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship.



Miller Center

Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University accelerates global, innovation-based entrepreneurship in service to humanity.