Top 10 Drupal Websites Worldwide

Millie Kaimuru
7 min readJul 25, 2022


Drupal is a content management system that is used to create websites and publish content on them. The CMS enables you to write, edit and publish to your social media right on the platform. Drupal powers websites ranging from billion-dollar companies to high-end universities and even government agencies.

Here are the 10 Top Drupal Websites in the world.

  1. Tesla
  2. NASA
  3. Oxford University
  4. Pinterest
  5. The University of Arizona
  6. Tourism Fiji
  7. London Gatwick
  8. eBay
  9. McDonald’s Australia
  10. Emmy Awards

We’ll take a look at these 10 websites created with Drupal, but let’s kick start this article with a few FAQs.

Drupal’s Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re new to Drupal, familiarize yourself with the FAQ below.

What Are the Key Features of Drupal?

Drupal has amazing features that distinguish it from all other CMS. Here are Drupal’s top features:

  1. Enterprise-level security: Drupal has state-of-the-art security features that ward off hackers. This is aided by encryptions which protect the database and data of its users.
  2. 3rd party integrations: Drupal is keen to allow 3rd party system integrations such as site personalization software and rating review providers.
  3. Multilingual properties: Users of Drupal can choose between over 70 languages, making Drupal the best content management system.
  4. URL customization: Instead of long tedious URLs that lower SEO, Drupal enables its users to shorten their URL and hence become search engine-friendly.
  5. Impeccable design: Drupal provides over 2,500 themes to choose from and attract customers to your website.
  6. Tesla

Screenshot of Tesla’s homepage

Tesla is a worldly known electric car manufacturer founded by one of the tech giants, Elon musk. The company produces self-driving cars that are both safe and the environment safe as they run on batteries, not fuel.

You can expect such a big company to have heavy traffic every day, hence the need for a stable CMS. That’s why drupal comes into the picture creating one of the most popular websites in the world

When a billion-dollar company uses a specific CMS, you can be assured that it is the best.


Screenshot of Nasa’s homepage

There’s no doubt that NASA contains classified information that needs to be protected. Chaos would occur if it gets hacked hence one of their primal needs is a secure CMS. This is why Drupal was chosen to power the US Agency.

Another factor that led to Drupal being chosen is its large community and open-source codebase. This feature enables developers from around the world to work on Drupal and make it better as days go by.

In 2017, Drupal displayed its capability to the max. NASA made history by live-streaming the Total Solar Eclipse of 21st August 2017 to 40 million viewers.

The coverage went on for 6 hours making it the largest web-traffic event in the history of the US government.

3. Oxford University

Screenshot of Oxford University’s homepage

Growing up, a lot of us aspired to go to Oxford. It was one of the best universities back then and it still is now. A school with such a high reputation has to have the best website and template for its students and staff.

That’s why Drupal was chosen. Initially, the website had remained static for many years. Oxford knew they had to pay more attention to the user interface.

Hence they settled on Drupal which provided over 2,500 themes to choose from.

Currently, Oxford presents a clean and inviting homepage with more web pages being added to it as time goes by.

4. Pinterest

Image source: Screenshot of Business Pinterest’s homepage

Pinterest is a social media service that enables its users to find new interests by pinning images and videos on their own or others’ boards. Currently, it has over 450 million active users.

It is very popular among women with 80% of U.S. moms actively using the platform. Men too are fond of the platform since

With these high numbers, Pinterest undoubtedly has a lot of daily traffic. That’s why Drupal was their best option. The CMS also allows Pinterest’s integration with the media entity.

5. University of Arizona

Screenshot of University of Arizona’s homepage

Drupal has become a favorite among high-end universities with the University of Arizona joining the club.

The university has been in operation since the 19th-century and is ranked number 20 among the top public universities in the world.

Both the student’s and the faculty’s websites are built using Drupal. The UI is both attractive and easy for all members to use, making Drupal an ideal choice for all universities.

6. Tourism Fiji

Screenshot of Fiji.Travel’s homepage

Fiji is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The friendly locals and the tropical beaches attract millions of tourists each year making it the most visited pacific island in the world.

Tourism Fiji launched its site, Fiji. travel, on Drupal CMS in 2013. A month after the launch, statistics were conducted and the data was as follows:

  • +692 percent more visitors
  • +545 percent more sessions
  • +248 percent more total pageviews

The site has amazing features such as randomized teasers that display different listing pages together with their image galleries and description fields.

7. London Gatwick

Image source: Drupal’s case study on Gatwick Obviously

When the Airport Commission was asked by the UK government to recommend a location for a new runway, Gatwick was chosen as one of the airports.

This led to the birth of the Gatwick Obviously campaign.

London Gatwick was determined to be the winner. For this to happen, they needed a powerful digital presence and platform to display their credentials.

Hence Drupal was chosen as the CMS that would help put London Gatwick on the international map. The results? The campaign was nominated at the Dadi Awards for the category of ‘Best Use of Visual Design. All thanks to Drupal.

8. eBay

Screenshot of eBay’s homepage

If you ever want to buy or sell something online, eBay is the place for you. It’s an online shopping site that allows auctioning of products from consumers to consumers.

The site is primarily built and powered by Drupal.

The site allows the creation of a special bridge between eBay and the Drupal e-commerce module. This bridge enables a user to create a product that will then be listed on eBay and sold to the market.

9. Timex

Screenshot of Timex’s homepage

Timex was founded in the 19th century. It’s an American watch brand that is famously known for its great designs.

Timex chose Drupal for its ecommerce platform. In Drupal’s case study, Timex stated that they needed a beautifully designed site that integrates a mix of editorial and social content. This is the main reason Timex chose Drupal.

With Drupal, Timex is easily able to add new product content with ease to their site while providing a great user experience.

10. The Emmy Awards

Top 10 Drupal Websites Worldwide

Screenshot of Emmy’s homepage

The Emmys are among the major four entertainment awards in the U.S.A. The other three are the Oscars, Tony, and the Grammys.

The Emmy gives out awards throughout the year to individuals whose performance in the film industry has been exceptional. Television programs as a whole are also acknowledged and awarded.

Their migration to the Drupal site in 2009 came as no surprise. They needed the best and went for it. By using Drupal CMS, their website displays videos and images for the award ceremonies.

Final Thoughts

These top Drupal websites are a clear indicator of how versatile and great Drupal is. If a CMS powers both Tesla and NASA, then you can be assured that it’s the best.

Try Drupal today and reap its numerous benefits.

