Millie Harden
1 min readFeb 21, 2017


Did Obama give up the presidents salary of over $400,000 a year. And if I remember correctly it was only two week-ends out of the month he went to Mar-A-Largo. Both were working week-ends. One was when he carried the President of Japan and his delegation there to entertain and discuss business. The second was this past week-end when he went there to interview all of the candidates for his National security chair to replace Gen. Flynn. What got the media’s goat was he held another campaign rally in Melborne, Fla with a large turnout where he took on the fake media. They don’t like that they can’t control him from getting his message out of what is really going on. Obama on the other hand spent $92,000,ooo as was state, which seems to be a very low number in his tenure since every time Air Force one leaves out on these personal vacations and they were many on the taxpayers back, is astronomical amount. What this author stated is a ridiculous comparison of Trump’s one month to Obama’s one year which is not true.

