7 — The Underworld of Women

It is Not About Hating Men (7/8)

Millicent Haughey
1 min readDec 18, 2023

There is a misleading image of the empowered woman:

She is out there slaying men as she ruthlessly claims her life, cutting all men down and out of her world. She can handle everything, she does not even need men, in fact, she declares, as she marches off, it would better without them.

However, patriarchy thrives on this exact dynamic of women hating men. The underworld takes over, Gremlins unleashed (which is the part that has no ability to take responsibility) taking revenge, manipulating and sabotaging. The outcome is that energy is used and nothing changes. All the while opportunities are missed for taking a stand for what really matters to them and creating something else.

There is another way to be with women, men, children and all of life. It will not come through pressing the underworld down. It comes by going through it. From there it becomes possible to navigate into higher levels of responsibility.

It is possible to do that when Women hold it so clear in themselves what is not working and the only other thing to do is face the layers of fears that come with deciding to create something else.

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Millicent Haughey

I am a Writer and Apprentice to Alchemy. Sourcing Next Culture through real life Experiments.