An Easy, Instant Way to Take Pressure Off Yourself Today

Milli Thornton đź’“
6 min readJun 17, 2018

“Time is the soul of this world.” — Pythagoras

Image courtesy Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

Adjusting your relationship with time can have magic therapeutic effects. Feeling calmer may not sound like the most thrilling benefit in life —but the next time you have a blow-out it will seem priceless.

Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.
— Delmore Schwartz

Can you relate to Delmore’s motto?

The last time you were “burned” you probably felt stress, pressure, self-loathing and maybe even shame or embarrassment.

And yet we do it to ourselves over and over again.


But there’s hope, even for the most time-foolhardy. The secret lies in awareness.

Image courtesy johnhain on Pixabay

Which of these are you underestimating?

When estimating how much time it takes to accomplish X, there are three common scenarios where we burn ourselves:

⏱ getting somewhere on time



Milli Thornton đź’“

Half Aussie. Writing coach. Deep listener. Devoted fan of the indestructible genius (aka the imagination). Get a 1-hour free consultation at