How to Finally Start Writing the Book That’s Stuck Inside of You

200 million people have a book seething within.

Milli Thornton 💓
7 min readApr 13, 2018
Image courtesy Pedro Figueras via

According to writer Joseph Epstein, “81 percent of Americans feel that they have a book in them — and should write it.” That’s approximately 200 million people who aspire to authorship.

— Justine Tal Goldberg, Publishing Perspectives

It’s a painful thing, having a book stuck inside. Especially when it goes on for years. I’ve known writers (or closet writers) to go for 15 years or longer with a book stuck inside.

If this sounds like you, you’ve probably been ashamed of it, believing you’re the only one. You’re not. Not by a long shot!

Here are seven reasons a book can get stuck inside you with no outlet, along with some simple solutions.

1. You feel overwhelmed about all the work involved

Writing a book takes a lot of work. Anything worth achieving takes concerted effort — that’s part of the richness of it. You stretch and grow as you progress. That’s a much better option for you than putting it off and feeling…



Milli Thornton 💓

Half Aussie. Writing coach. Deep listener. Devoted fan of the indestructible genius (aka the imagination). Get a 1-hour free consultation at