You know you’re addicted to Medium when . . .

Milli Thornton 💓
3 min readJun 28, 2018


Image courtesy Stefan Lorentz on

“Sometimes I wrestle with my demons.
Other times, we just snuggle.”
— Anonymous

You know you’re addicted to Medium when . . .

😀 You make the perfect cup of coffee to drink while you’re writing but later you find it — dead and cold — when you come back from your Medium trance.

😀 You’re listening to meditation music on YouTube with headphones. The hour-long track is over and it defaults to the next video (music you dislike) but you don’t notice for at least 10 minutes.

😀 You think about the writers you love on Medium more than you think about your worst problem in life.

😀 You’re writing a post for Medium when you’re struck with a passionate new idea. You open a new tab and hack away at two stories at once.

😀 You live in Arizona, it’s 103° in the shade, you can see the pool from your desk . . . but you’re inside working on a Medium post instead of swimming.

Image courtesy Toni Cuenca on

What time are you reading this?

This confession was inspired by my Medium friend Neil Kampas. He left this comment on one of my posts:

Look at me, 2:16 a.m. In bed addicted to doing something positive for myself. Just got my baby changed and fed and back to sleep. May even go grab a late night snack myself and keep reading! I will sleep enough when I’m dead.

What’s your Medium addiction story?

Leave a comment and share the hellbent or absent-minded things you do because you can’t get enough of Medium.

Milli Thornton is a creative writing coach and seasoned house sitter. Under her pen name, she wrote a Kindle book based on her experiences, House Sitting Secrets Revealed. Her latest house-sitting adventure included riding in a float plane above Lake Washington and Seattle on a gorgeous, sunny day. Milli is the owner and course presenter of the unique and creatively liberating Fear of Writing Online Course: putting the fun back into writing!



Milli Thornton 💓

Half Aussie. Writing coach. Deep listener. Devoted fan of the indestructible genius (aka the imagination). Get a 1-hour free consultation at