Inclusion usclusion.

help needed, I need to wake the fuck up… when you open your eyes you actually see.

My name is Mills. I am Mills.

Walked to the studio today as opposed to the drudgery of my 20 year commute on the Northern Line. Simple 7 mile walk which allowed me to both get around the fact my coach has banned me from running this week (I felt like a caged hamster who had no circle thing to run around) and allowed me to actualy listen to a podcast I had wanted to learn from.

I apologise for this medium being a little long, even though it won’t be. I write form the heart..

This week has been an eye opener.

On Monday I was invited to Sky HQ to talk about my experience in building ustwo over the last 14 years and the changes we are making to make the company a more inclusive workplace. Specifically we (Managing Director Nicki Sprinz came with me) talked about how we are slowly but surely achieving a better gender balance at ustwo.

It was amazing that Sky looked up to us as positive change makers. I think what came across the most in feedback was the 300 who listend really appreciated the fact that that we were both so transparent about what’s worked, what hasn’t and where there’s more to be done. (I actually don't think that, I know it, as I copied that feedback right out of an email they sent me)

On reflection we have done a lot but my gosh we have so much to do. In short when I started thinking about the lack of diversity and inclusion in the design and tech industry and thus workplace I realised I had contributed to the issues. Ustwo’s leadership, at one point in time, was all made up of white, male friends. I’d never consciously set out to achieve such a feat, but my biases and lack of understanding had clearly lead me down the path.

Anyway.. because of this talk, I started reflecting on my own purpose and mission. In 2018 I have prioritsed my time and focus on the Adventure side of the business (sinx continues to run the client service studios until our new CEO starts), supporting creative founders through our ustwo community, our playground, our fund and our foundation.. this is what I love doing, helping decent people with true heart and values.

I now spend a large proportion of my time outside of the ustwo sphere. I am able (or else the board will fire me!) to meet new people, new perspectives and gain new insights as to how the real world operates. I’m doing this so that one day I can be inspired enough to want to start our next ustwo venture.

Last week, I was invited to a Fireside Chat with Arlan Hamilton, founder of Backstage Capital — what’s this, I thought.

“Arlan has a true nothing to something story, she went from having no money in the bank and sleeping on a blowup bed in Houston to creating Backstage Capital, which has invested over $2M in over 60 underrepresented founders.”

When I visited her website I was presented with a simple yet striking message.

“Less than 10% of all venture capital deals go to women, People of Color, and LGBT founders.”

WTF? This is madness. What the fuck is wrong with these VC jokers who exclude or ignore so much potential talent.

However, when it came to our investment fund — I was shocked by what I saw once I looked through with the same eye-opening lens:

22 investments, 19 white male founders, 3 women, 1 person of colour.

Utter joke, (except it wasn’t funny)… how had this happened? how?

I tell you how, when I was younger (and I am talking 5 years younger), I hadn’t thought about diversity and inclusion when it came to the investments I made, I didn’t think it was a thing. Actually to make matters worse, I remember feeling proud of almost curating a boy band of founders who I knew would all get on because they were all so similar to me. (I was a westlife, boyzone, Backstreet boys, N-Sync fan growing up)

I want to help as many people as I can, I always have. I crave the energy I get from being with exceptional people. However, my net of inclusion hasn’t traveled far. My eyes have been shut and even when they were open they might as well have been closed.

My bias have obviously not served me well in my journey to date when it comes to supporting underrepresented founders.

However this is changing, changing as of right fucking now. I want a better world, I want an inclusive world. And I want to do what is right.

My original ask to my team and adventure community was for help in finding a far wider spectrum of people who we can support, I want to understand how to make ustwo adventure a destination for support. Should we have office hours? should we host events? what could we do to start meeting a wider spectrum of amazing heart driven people and founders?

But then it dawned on me (because I was told it) I need to get out into the ecosystems that already shelter under represented fouders,people of different walks of life. There are a lot of sub-communities and events ALREADY happening and I want ustwo adventure to be a part of it. I can;t just talk.. I need to show action. This isn’t a 2018 year focus. This is a constant going forward. This is an awakening. This is my awakening.

I want to say that this isn’t to say we won’t invest in white men, it means I now have a filter of actual awareness of the importance of inclusivity (both commerically and better worldly) when it comes to where I want to start looking.. and the stats that I so painfully reveal above are going to change going forward. As to is my learning and understanding…

I love our community, lets’ make sure we enrich it with the widest array of great minds, and lets hold adventure to account for authenticity and action. I want and need our businesses to be an inclusive and diverse working environment that supports and empowers people regardless of race, age, religion, disabilities & sexual orientation.

.. We have to.. I want to.. I need to..

If you wanted to know more about Arlan and her mission — this podcast is brilliant — she talks so passionately about her focus

I have started the new daily JFDI show. Why not have a listen..
Soundcloud iTunes TuneIn OverCast

my email is and I podcast daily on my JFDI cast .

