“Yooooo! I had an idea for a JFDI cast. Basically, how to deal with the sacrifice”

— I feel like it’s something a lot of people struggle with, how much do you sacrifice and how do you deal with the consequences? How much is too much? Etc.


james Sanderson, Everyday Something — Bradford

What a wonderful quesiton I just got posed. Wonderful in that after spending 15 years completley emmersed in all things ustwo I am finally able to look back and reflect (I recently stepped back slightly from operational involvement of ustwo — studios, games and adventure)

“I always say ustwo was the first baby, no interest in the real babies or me” Lisa Miller

On this podcast I talk about what sacrifice means to me in terms of my commitment to ustwo in building something I am more than proud of.

this is me.
mail me mills@ustwo.com or slide into my inst DMs

