What’s the easiest programming language to learn?

Milly Cyb
2 min readMay 17, 2019


The first programming language that I learn was Visual Basic.NET. I learnt it at college, and I thought it was the hardest thing to grasp. Most of the people in my class had already programmed before and were able to make an amazing program within the hour. For me, it took about a day.

The next languages I learnt were HTML, CSS and JavaScript.What I found rewarding about learning these languages, was that you were able to see your code come to life once you clicked on your HTML file. I was proud of what I achieved even if it was a bright blue box in the centre of the web page.

The third language I learnt was Python. This was definitely a tricky one, but was worth while once I clicked run and saw the program do it’s magic. I use python the most when I set out on creating a project and can now say it’s one of my favourites.

You might be wondering where I’m going with this so let me explain. The first language I learnt, I found the hardest. I had never programmed before and everything was new to me. The second language I learnt, I was able to implement it more widely. The code I had written was valuable and had a purpose. The third language I learnt was the easiest and the one I use the most. As you can see, each time I learnt a new language- things got easier.

There are lots of opinions on which language is the easiest to learn. My opinion is that you have to start somewhere, but each time you try and learn a different language, you have the experience of the last one to carry with you. Most languages have similar traits, and you will pick up on this. If I had started to learn Python first then I probably would have found it the hardest. However, because I had experience with other languages- I was able to pick it up a lot quicker.

There are lots of resources online to help you learn a programming language. I would suggest finding your learning style (whether it be visual, audio or reading) and start from the basics. Then, when you go onto learning another language- you will be able to make out the similarities and differences.

I hope this helps you in your coding journey,

Milly :)



Milly Cyb

Junior Software Engineer at BT — Graduate of BT and CodeFirst:Girls Programming course 2019 — Love to code!