2 min readNov 17, 2021

Analysis of Reece James in the last year

Reece James so far this season has been phenomenal for club and country, playing right back and right wing back. On average he has he had 1.74 interceptions per 90 which is a very good stat, with in total making 69 . he is a very young determined defender who wants to put in the work to get to his full potential,he has had 14.09 pressures per game on opposing players, this is very good for a full back. He has got many other fantastic defensive attributes with 2.39 tackles per game, 1.48 arails won and 2 blocks per game.

Progressing up the pitch James also has a lot of flair, carrying it down the wing and through midfield. He has a phenominal 5.83 proggresivve carries per 90 which shows he can not only defend but can also propel forward. James has an average 2.90 touches in attacking box per 90, this is very good for a defender by trade is very good.

All these stats show that James is a very versitile and proggresive player and that he will be a very good future star for club and country. he is also very fast which gives him a massive boost at right-back. From all the statistics Reece is definently more of a extrovert.

Playing under thomas tuchel would be a dream cometrue for many people , but you would have to understand his tactic, Tuchel deploys a 3–4–3/3–4–2–1 with a back three, two wingbacks, a midfield pivot and a combination of three attackers up front, with one operating as the “main” striker.