Milon Subba
3 min readSep 3, 2023

Health Care

One of the most important tools for any living being is health care to maintain their own life. If they have no health care for their own life they will not be able to do it. For example, a person who has great knowledge about any activity, but she/he is not in good health all the time will be sick. Where his knowledge should be applied is the same as that our health is most important

  • Maintain Health Care in Society

Most of society did not have a healthcare facility or proper guide to care. Most of society uses their traditional method for any disease. If each society has one guide, they get proper medication.

  • Risk and Insurance

The risk of illness and the attendant cost of care lead to the demeaning of health insurance. Conventional economics argues that the probability of purchasing health insurance will be greater when the consumer is particularly risk averse, when the potential loss is large, when the probability of loss is neither too large nor too small, and when incomes are lower. The previously mentioned tax incentive for the purchase of health insurance increases the chances that health insurance will be purchased. Indeed, the presence of a progressive income tax system implies that higher-income consumers will buy even more insurance.

  • Taxes and Employer

There are three reasons why most people under the age of sixty-feet their health insurance through an employer. First, employed people, on average, are healthier than those who are unemployed; therefore, they have fewer insurance claims. Second, the sales and administrative costs of group policies are lower. Third, health insurance premiums paid by an employer are not taxed. Thus, employers and their employees have a strong incentive to substitute broader and deeper health insurance coverage for money wages. Someone in the 27 percent federal income tax bracket, paying 5 percent state income tax and 20.5 percent

The Inefficiency of Socialized Medicine

Dasho Dechen Wangmo

Although other countries with more centralized government control over health budgets appear to have controlled costs more successfully, that does not mean that they have produced a more efficient result. In any case, reported statistics may be misleading. Efficient resource allocation requires that resources be spent on medical care as long as the marginal benefit exceeds the marginal cost. Marginal benefits are very hard to measure, but certainly, they include more subjective values than the crude measures of morbidity and mortality that are widely used in international comparisons.

According to the World Health Organization, a health system consists of all organizations people, and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore, or maintain health. This includes efforts to influence determinants of health as well as more direct activities that improve health.

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Milon Subba

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