Installing Unity via Unity Hub & Getting Started with Game Development

Milton Clark
3 min readOct 23, 2023

Unity is one of the most popular game development platforms, and while the latest versions offer fantastic features, there are times when you might want to use an older version for compatibility or other reasons. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Unity 2019.x, an archived version, using Unity Hub. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, this guide will help you kickstart your game development journey.

Step 1: Open Unity Hub

  • 1. In Unity Hub, click on the “Installs” tab on the left sidebar.
  • 2. Click “Install Editor” button.
Step 1.1-1.2

Step 2: Add Unity 2019.x to Unity Hub

  • 1. Click “Archive”
Step 2.1
  • 2. Click “download archive”
Step 2.2
  • 3. Click “Unity 2019.x ” tab to bring up all 2019 versions.
Step 2.3
  • 4. Click “Unity Hub” button under the Unity 2019.4.40 version.
Step 2.4
  • 5. Click “Open Unity Hub” button on the pop-up screen.
Step 2.5

Step 3: Choose your Components

  • 1. Choose your preferred components to install on the Unity Hub install tab.
  • 2. Select “Android Build Support” to be able to port your games to Android.
Step 3.2
  • 3. Select “WebGL Build Support” to build games to port to the Web.
  • 4. Select “Windows Build Support (IL2CPP)” to download a compiler optimization.
  • 5. Click “Continue” to proceed.
Steps 3.3-3.5
  • 6. Review terms and conditions, then check off that you have read them and click “Install” to start the installation.
Step 3.6
  • 7. Unity Hub will begin downloading and installing Unity 2019.x. This may take some time, depending on your internet connection and system performance.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Unity 2019.x via Unity Hub and are now ready to embark on your game development journey.

Installing Unity 2019.x using Unity Hub is a straightforward process that allows you to access older Unity versions for your game development projects. Whether you’re working on a legacy project or prefer using a specific Unity version, this guide will help you get started quickly. Now, dive into Unity and turn your game development dreams into reality!



Milton Clark

Highly motivated individual passionate about building games and interactive experiences using Unity & C#.