The Essence of Smoke and Honey: Understanding Lapsang Souchong and Jin Jun Mei

A Tale of Two Teas

Nate Zhang
3 min readApr 1, 2024

Nestled within the majestic Wuyi Mountains, the Tongmu Guan region is revered as the cradle of black tea, giving birth to two remarkable yet distinct teas: Lapsang Souchong and Jin Jun Mei. Lapsang Souchong, known as the ancestor of black tea, has woven its smoky threads through the fabric of tea history for over 400 years. Emerging from this storied legacy, Jin Jun Mei surfaced in 2005 as a modern marvel, quickly capturing the hearts of tea connoisseurs. This narrative explores their essence, from leaf to cup, highlighting the nuances that distinguish these siblings of smoke and honey.

From Bud to Leaf: A Divergence in Raw Material

The journey of every tea begins with its raw material, the tea leaves, where the first distinction between Lapsang Souchong and Jin Jun Mei is found.

  • Lapsang Souchong embraces a more mature palette, selecting the one bud with two or three leaves left after Jin Jun Mei’s harvest. This choice reflects a traditional approach, valuing the robust character imparted by mature leaves.
  • Jin Jun Mei contrasts sharply, insisting on the utmost tenderness by utilizing only the youngest buds. This meticulous selection process requires an astonishing amount of raw material — 50,000 buds for just one kilogram of finished tea — highlighting its exclusivity and the dedication to craft that defines it.

A Tapestry of Aromas and Hues

As the leaves dry, they reveal the visual and olfactory signatures unique to each tea.

  • Lapsang Souchong’s dark, glossy leaves, reminiscent of ancient forests, carry the unmistakable essence of pine smoke mingled with the sweetness of dried fruits and flowers. This aroma is a bridge to the past, a nod to the traditional pine wood fires used in its creation.
  • Jin Jun Mei, with its delicate, eyebrow-like leaves that blend gold, yellow, and black, whispers of refinement. Its bouquet is a complex symphony of floral, fruity, and honey notes, promising a luxurious sensory journey.

The Liquor: A Contrast in Clarity and Flavor

The brewed essence of these teas offers a vivid display of their intrinsic differences.

  • Lapsang Souchong produces a liquor that dazzles with its initial bright red brilliance, softening into a mellow sweetness reminiscent of lychee, underpinned by its signature smokiness. This evolution in the cup mirrors the passage of time, reflecting the tea’s enduring legacy.
  • Jin Jun Mei shines with a golden clarity, a testament to its purity. Each sip is a cascade of smooth, sweet notes, where floral and fruity melodies are harmonized with the richness of honey. This tea doesn’t just refresh; it rejuvenates, offering a taste of the sublime.

The Craft Behind the Cup

The creation of these teas is as much art as it is science, with each step in their processing reflecting centuries of knowledge and innovation.

  • The smoky essence of Lapsang Souchong is no accident but the result of a meticulous smoking process over pine wood, a method that infuses the tea with the soul of the forest.
  • Jin Jun Mei requires a gentler touch, with each bud treated as a treasure. The painstaking withering and oxidation processes are carefully managed to preserve the delicate balance of flavors that define this exquisite tea.

Legacy and Renewal: Cultural Significance

While Lapsang Souchong stands as a monument to the enduring appeal of traditional tea, Jin Jun Mei represents the forward march of tea innovation. Each tea offers a sip of history, a glimpse into the evolving narrative of tea culture that spans centuries and continues to captivate those in search of liquid perfection.

In Conclusion: The Dance of Smoke and Honey

Lapsang Souchong and Jin Jun Mei, though born of the same mountains and nurtured by the same skies, chart distinct paths in the world of tea. One carries the weight of history, its smoke a banner of tradition; the other, a beacon of refinement and delicate craftsmanship. Together, they embody the spectrum of flavor, aroma, and emotion that tea can convey, inviting us on a journey that transcends time and place, from the rugged peaks of the Wuyi Mountains to the cup in our hands.



Nate Zhang

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