High-End Coaching Clients Want You All IN for High-Ticket Sales


High-end coaching clients want you to go all in for high-ticket sales.

Are you showing up fully in your millionaire messaging and creating a heatbeat connection with your best high-end coaching clients?

Are you sharing everything God is sharing through you?

Are you doing high end clients a disservice by muting yourself, toning things down or diluting God’s best?

When you’re selling your highest value, high-ticket coaching offers and sharing God’s gifts with your best high-end coaching offers, hiding is NOT an option.

Allowing God to come through you is the ONLY option. And you owe it to yourself to show up with an open heart; all of your heart, even if it’s hard because your best high-end coaching clients love it when you sell.

It’s time to let go of apologetic messaging and apologetic high ticket sales.

Millionaire Messaging is what easily sells high ticket coaching offers, and it needs ALL of YOU, the God in You, the hope of His glory, to come through.

Millionaire Messaging activates the “buyer” in your high-end coaching clients and immediately converts them into high-end coaching clients you enjoy working with.

Millionaire Messaging, like high ticket sales, is simply love.

A heartbeat connection that activates your best high-end coaching clients.

What’s really important when it comes to sharing content with your community is breaking the so-called rules and the need to look perfect.

It’s quite OK to be as messy as you need to be because millionaire messaging is not about the people who will leave your audience, your community or your business.

It’s about your potential high-end coaching clients who will miss you when you don’t show up because you’ve muted your voice, toned down your message and diluted your divine gifts and power.

Be free from the potential coaching clients who you’re not here to serve.

Let all the potential high-end coaching clients that you’re here to serve SEE you and RECOGNIZE you simply because your message supports them to remember who they are.

Because your message makes them feel seen, deeply served, heard, understood and deeply held.

Go all in because anything less than your version of millionaire messaging is less than what God wants to do through you.

Let your best high-end coaching clients see you.

Show up and serve.

And let God come through.

Who profits when you believe and act like you’re too much or you’re bothering potential high-end coaching clients?

Who profits when you put a muzzle on God’s gifts coming through you?

Who profits when you forget to remember who you are in Christ?

Give everyone else the freedom to go clutch their pearls somewhere else.

I dive deeper into this in this 6-minute video. Watch it here.

You can make high ticket sales and working with your best high-end coaching clients complicated, or you can keep things simple.

I trust you to know what’s best for you and your coaching business.

I trust you to take the limits off your impact, sales, income and profits and give yourself the gift of being extraordinarily paid for the amazing work you do.

Cheers to being simply love!
MiMi dabo | God-Made Women Millionaires.



MiMi Dabo, MBA, CPA, JD | The Prosperous Womb

High-End Coaching Clients Business Coach & High-Ticket Profit Explosion Midwife for Women Coaches partnering with God to Multiply Profits, Impact and Results.