High-Ticket Sales: Who Taught You that Women Can’t Sell?


high-ticket sales
MiMi dabo, Esq MBA, CPA, JD | The High-Ticket Profit Midwife

High-Ticket Sales. Who taught you that high-ticket sales is hard for women or that women can’t sell?

Welcome to non-sleazy high ticket sales for women.

When women coaches, women attorneys and women accountants' step into the Prosperous Womb, they come bearing stories and high-ticket sales wounds they’ve collected over the years.

And as a coach, I’m full of curiosity and wonder as I watch these amazing, heart-centered, powerful women navigate challenges around packaging and pricing their high-ticket offers, simply because of the MONEY.

Or pretending like they don’t know what to say or how to say the thing that needs to be said, or what to do when dialing in their positioning and messaging to speak to their best high-end coaching clients who DO want to invest in $100K+ high-ticket coaching offers.

Or pretending they first need a 5-step how-to check list, or the best high-ticket sales script from the 8-figure guru business coach, before stepping into high-ticket sales conversations (and the ASKING) that lead to high-end coaching clients saying YES to themselves.

Or waiting until they’re brave enough to start selling their upleveled high-ticket coaching offers.

Over the last 6.5 years, I’ve listened to over 200 high-ticket sales calls and heard the moment the call starts to fall apart because the coach turns into a zombie alien at the moment of the ASKING.

And I’ve heard the incredulous note of surprise in the voice of a life coach when the potential high-end coaching client says “YES, ok let’s do this” without any sales objections.

And you know what? I totally get it.

It’s NOT WRONG or crazy to have these stories, beliefs, feelings, thoughts or opinions about high-ticket sales or selling high-ticket coaching offers.

It’s completely natural.

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to how we feel about high-ticket sales, charging for the value of our high ticket offers or even choosing to work with our best high-end coaching clients.

But I invite you to consider whether these stories and beliefs are yours?

And whether they’re even true?

Everywhere you look, from Google, to YouTube to Instagram and LinkedIn, there’s always someone selling the story that women can’t sell.

Or that women can’t sell until they X happens.

Or that high ticket sales is hard for women.

Or that you need MORE knowledge, or MORE clients or a BIGGER audience or MORE team or that coach’s HIGH-TICKET SALES SCRIPT to do high-ticket sales and enjoy a freedom-based coaching business.

Or, and this one is my absolute favorite, you get distracted by the shiny screenshot of the guru business coach’s Stripe account showing how they made 8 figures in 48 hours, selling $997 low ticket offers and how you can too, if you use their sales funnel and sales script.

There’s a huge difference between having some resistance, slowing down until you trust yourself to sell high-ticket coaching offers versus not doing high ticket sales (when you’ve chosen to) simply because someone else taught you that women can’t sell.

It would be easy for me to say, or just slow down, trust yourself and do the thing even if it’s scary, but let’s take a step back.

Resistance is just recalibrating yourself to fly and slowing down to speed up is not just smart, it’s wise business.

Stopping yourself before you even start, however is not the best way to allow God to do His work through you, your coaching offers and your coaching business.

So, what gives when it comes to high-ticket sales and women?

I’m a very, very curious high-ticket sales coach when it comes to selling high-ticket offers online in any industry or coaching niche, I’ve got questions.

I’ve got so many questions around money and high-ticket sales that I’m inviting all of us to consider as we choose to use our God-given gifts to serve deeper with our best high-end coaching clients.

Because when it’s all said and done, my experience is that it’s always about the relationship with MONEY on the part of the coach and NOT Always about the money for the high-end coaching client (even when she says it is).

I’m curious to hear more about your own experiences and observations in the comments below.

If you landed on this article and you’re still here reading this, it’s probably because you may have decided that high-ticket sales is NOT the easier part of running your business.

And I invite you to consider the following questions if they apply to you.

Who taught you that high-ticket sales is hard for women?

Who taught you that women can’t naturally and easily sell high-ticket coaching offers?

Who taught you that selling high-ticket is hard?

Who taught you that you need to be brave to sell high-ticket coaching offers?

Who taught you that you can’t sell high-ticket coaching offers without a high-ticket sales script?

Who taught you that you need to be brave to ask a potential high-end coaching client if they want the RESULT/OUTCOME you know they’ve been looking for all their lives?

Who taught you that MONEY needs you to be BRAVE?

And when did you… you unique, self-led, powerful, beautiful child of God, first decide that any of these lies were true for you?

When did you first believe any of them, and how have these beliefs affected your life?

How much (in cash) have these lies cost your business financially over the last year, over the last 3 years and over the last 5 years?

What if you could just sell naturally as YOU?

Anything. Anywhere. To Anyone?

What would that be like, feel like and do for your business and the outcomes you co-create with your high-end coaching clients?

And what would be the BEST part about that?

I don’t know about you, and I hope you feel free to share your experiences and observations in the comments below, but what I’ve seen is that women, especially women coaches sell high-ticket BEST.

Keep reading. I’ll dive into why women sell high-ticket best OR why I believe women be and do high-ticket sales best, later at the end of this article.

Or just watch the Women Can Sell Better video. It doesn’t go into as much depth as the article, but you’ll get the gist.

If you’re still reading, there are 3 key high-ticket sales skills that we all need to naturally sell high-ticket coaching offers without any scripts and MOST women are naturally great at them or can easily learn them.

I dive in depth into each of these high-ticket sales skills (and MORE) in the Natural High-Ticket Sales Conversations Series, which you can find here, or just watch the videos below.

The secret behind a selling ONE $100K high-ticket coaching offer | $100K high-ticket sale

Let’s dive into the misguided sales training that you must have a high-ticket sales script to do high-ticket sales conversations.

If you’ve already watched the natural high-ticket sales conversations videos, you know this is just a bunch of hogwash.

High-ticket sales conversations, and I mean, natural high-ticket sales conversations are just conversations between 2 human beings. Nothing special there.

high ticket sales coach MiMi dabo
MiMi dabo | High-Ticket Sales Midwife

The only difference is that you, as the coach has something to offer the potential high-end coaching client. Something she wants, desires and hopes might even change her life or relationship or career or business.

You’re learning more about someone you’d love to support, to see what she truly wants, how your offer fits into what she wants, whether your offer is a great fit for her.

You’re also always having the tough compassionate LOVE to say the thing that needs to said + and asking the questions that needs to asked, and then simply ASKING or inviting her to work with you or making an offer for her to get what she wants.

Do you need a high-ticket sales script to talk to your best friend about something she desires or about her greatest challenge? Or does the script come in simply because in this instance, MONEY is involved?

And when it comes to money, we’ve programmed ourselves to act differently.

What if all you needed for a natural high-ticket sales conversation was having a valuable high-ticket coaching offer that you know would support your client, asking better questions (specific details that relate to her particular situation) so that you understand her deeper and understand clearly what she truly wants and needs by actively listening to her?

So that you create a relationship-based experience where she feels lovingly seen, deeply held, intimately heard, and deeply connected in a way that supports her to trust herself to confidently decide YES or NO powerfully in the sales conversation.

And of course, you yourself BE comfortable with joyfully ASKING.

Ask simply means, Asking shares kindness. Fall in love with sharing. Fall in love with kindness.

Fall in love with asking.

I believe that ASKING is one of the most transformational aspects of any high-ticket sales or coaching relationship, or any relationship-based business.

That’s why I’m working on my first natural high-ticket sales book for women, Asking for the Sale. Gone are the times where we focus all our energy on mastering objections. That’s good to know, of course.

But this is the Asking for the Sale era where we attract and work with high-end coaching clients who move fast with zero excuses.

High-end coaching clients who raise their hands and Ask for the Sale before they even apply to work with you. Creating offers, positioning, packaging, pricing, messaging and content that supports your best high-end coaching clients to Ask for the Sale before you do.

Here’s my BIG Ask. Drop in the comments below ONE thing about natural high-ticket sales that you’d love to see in Asking for the Sale.

Now, let’s get back to the rest of this article.

natural high ticket sales
MiMi dabo | Natural High-Ticket Sales Midwife

It’s time to squash the story about needing to be brave to sell high-ticket coaching offers or any other high-ticket offer.

There are enough crappy stories online and no one has to believe them unless they want to.

There’s no need to for you to be brave just so that you can give your potential high-end coaching clients the RESULTS/OUTCOMES God has given you though your unique gifts, for them.

One of my favorite quotes is from one of the greatest Disney movies of all time, The Lion King.

Simba, I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. Mufasa.

You don’t need to go looking for reasons to be brave either.

Simply “remember who you are.” Another Mufasa quote to Simba.

And a reminder as a child of God to stop forgetting to remember who and Whose you are.

Can’t you just feel the LOVE, today?

God has given you everything you need to SELL, including sending you this article to support you with the identity shifts and skills video training to sell high-ticket offers.

High-ticket sales, selling high-ticket coaching offers to your high-end coaching clients IS 100% your responsibility when you have what they want.

It’s selfish and downright evil to withhold an outcome/result that from your high-end coaching clients because you’ve believed some (money) lie that has you crippled with fear.

Especially, when you claim to partner with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (if you’re part of God-Made Women Millionaires).

Simply put God’s word in your heart daily so that you’re always ready for whatever comes your way as you step fully and completely into your assignment.

Bravery is needed when you run into a guy at 2am in a dark alley who sees you and pulls out a knife as he zips down his pants. Yeah, bravery, prayer and supplication are needed in that moment.

Let’s cut the crap and call things out for what they really are.


As a child of God, are you really making yourself available to the spirit of fear?

How much has that fear cost you already?

And what are you getting out of choosing fear?

natural high ticket sales
MiMi dabo | Natural High-Ticket Sales Midwife

Why Women sell high-ticket coaching offers better.

Yes, I believe that women, especially empaths and introverts who claim to find high ticket sales challenging because they’re so heart-centered, be and do high-ticket sales better.

The very thing that women, especially some of my spiritual women coaches who call themselves introverted or empaths, identify as their greatest high-ticket sales weakness is in fact, their greatest high-ticket sales strength and ally.

Their loving hearts.

Bring the love along with you into your natural high-ticket sales conversations and let your loving heart guide you to see, really truly deeply see your potential high-end coaching client and what she wants.

This journey begins earlier than many of us think and that’s what creates the sales pain for many women coaches. Bring that kind empath sponge with you on the day you decide to partner with God and share your gifts in the world.

Trust that selling is coaching and we both know you love to do coaching. You’re simply giving high-end coaching clients what they want and they’re going to pay you cash for it.

The secret, the hack, the thing the sales coaches and business coaches don’t tell you, is that all you’ve to do is learn how to see and value your God-given gifts and leverage them to be paid luxuriously for what you do.

Allow that loving, beautiful heart of yours to understand her well enough to ask better questions that allow her to see for herself what she believes this result/outcome will do for her, for her life or wherever the most impact will be.

And use that loving, kind, compassionate heart to truly listen. To actively listen so that you feel what she’s feeling and see parts of her, she doesn’t even know exist.

Let empathy take you there and support you to hold a loving space that creates a clear and emotional safe path to a strong YES or a powerful NO, without you making it mean nothing about you, other than you showed up in LOVE.

The advantage women have is that many of us are already active listeners and know how to allow potential high-end coaching clients to be the star of the high-ticket sales conversation.

Just like for those of us who are sisters, wives, mums, best friends, daughters, animal parents, we know how to allow others to be free to be themselves so that they can open up and share their hearts.

This is natural high-ticket sales. The fastest path to high-end coaching clients selling themselves into your offers.

High-Ticket Sales, selling, asking for the money for value given, is never about you.

When you throw out the crunchy high-ticket sales scripts, cut the BS about needing to be brave or know it all or expert or whatever, you’ll find that natural high-ticket sales starts to feel like cashmere on her nervous system…. and Yours.

If you skipped the Women Can Sell Better video to read the article, here’s your chance to watch it now.

Every week, I dive deeper into MORE on natural high-ticket sales and selling better and wiser on The Natural High-Ticket Sales for Women YouTube Channel, here.

Together, let’s shift the high-ticket sales narrative about women and sales, and show up boldly and confidently, with love, curiosity, empathy, compassion, deep connection and build relationship-based coaching businesses that are the voice, hands and feet of God’s blessings for you, for me, for them, for all of us, the collective doing God’s work in the world.

You can make natural high ticket sales and working with your best high end coaching clients complicated, or you can keep things simple.

I trust you to use God’s wisdom and know what’s best for you and your coaching business.

I trust you to take the limits off your impact, sales, income and profits and give yourself the gift of being extraordinarily paid for the amazing work you do.

Make More Profits without Selling More.

Cheers to being simply love!
MiMi dabo | God-Made Women Millionaires |Asking for the Sale



MiMi Dabo, MBA, CPA, JD | The Prosperous Womb

High-End Coaching Clients Business Coach & High-Ticket Profit Explosion Midwife for Women Coaches partnering with God to Multiply Profits, Impact and Results.