How to Attract High-End Coaching Clients in 2024


how to attract high end coaching clients

How to attract the high-end coaching clients you’re here to serve in 2024.

One of the most asked questions on google is how to attract high-end coaching clients for a coaching business, and it makes sense.

Without high-end coaching clients, there is NO simple and profitable boutique high-ticket coaching business, no high-ticket sales, no real profits, no deep service and no high impact.

Just another mainstream cookie cutter coaching business with sales and revenue, playing the high-volume game. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

This year, in 2024, for those of us who choose to attract high-end coaching clients and sell high-ticket coaching offers, we’re vowing to ask better questions.

Powerful questions that support us to thrive everywhere as a WHOLE woman. In life, relationships, health, wealth, our finances and our coaching businesses.

This year, we don’t just want to settle for a coaching business we enjoy. We deserve a WHOLE life we’re in love with.

how to attract high-end coaching clients

And in our high-ticket sales, we’re focusing not just on questions like, how to get high-end coaching clients in 2024, or how do I find high-end coaching clients online.

We will ask better questions that support all of our high-ticket coaching packages and high-end coaching packages to BE found.

You and I both know high-end coaching clients are not Easter Eggs and do not need to be found. We don’t need to go look for them, wait for them to land, or figure out where to find them.

You and your perfect-for-them-offers simply need to BE found.

The first question I’m inviting you to ask yourself in this moment is, ‘how will my high-end coaching clients recognize me?’

The second question is “how will my high-end coaching clients recognize themselves in the results and outcomes of my high-end coaching packages?”

The key to being found is not just having the right business strategy.

Strategies, systems, formulas and blueprints are a dime a dozen, and yet not every coach is doing 7-figures a month, a quarter or a year. So, what gives?

Who we are BEING determines the level of our success, no matter how many WHATS we are doing. Period.

Who we’re BEING at our soul-level, which reflects in our marketing, messaging, content and how we sell.

Especially with high-end coaching clients where you’re playing a depth game. Not a volume game.

Attracting high-end coaching clients involves creating a coaching business with soul-aligned high-ticket coaching offers and upleveled dialed-in, unfiltered, fully expressed messaging that does the attracting and enrolling for you so that you can work with the high-end coaching clients you prefer.

It’s working from the inside out before rushing into any high-end coaching clients lead generation strategy.

Yes, every high-ticket lead generation strategy out there works…until it stops working for you.

Because it’s based on only what you see on the outside. And it sets the stage for high-ticket sales objections like I’ve got to talk to my spouse first, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the time or let me get back to you.

We’ll get into all of this and more, but if all you want today is more potent strategies for how to attract your dream high-end coaching clients, then stop reading and simply watch the 4 videos below.

The first video sets you up for success with 8 potent strategies to attract high-end coaching clients in 2024, including Speaking, BOPA and so much more.

The second video gives you 7 ways to attract, enroll and work with 3 high-end coaching clients within 10 days.

The third and fourth videos give you potent BOPA and online strategies that support you to quickly attract high-end online coaching clients, including how to get in front of the right audience for your high-end coaching packages.

And if you’re committed to inside out work in your coaching business and you want to focus on the WHOLE woman and not just another multi-million dollar coaching business, continue reading.

So, what does high-end coaching client attraction and enrollment in real life look and feel like in 2024?

How do you attract high-end coaching clients that are perfect for your high-end coaching packages? From the Inside Out?



The first step is to Remember who you are. Know who God says you are and step fully into that identity so that you BE your authentic self, show up fully expressed and co-create from the heart.

Being your authentic self and showing up FULLY is what gives your soul-aligned high-end coaching clients the opportunity to recognize you and choose you.

mimi dabo

When you’re selling high-end coaching packages, it doesn’t matter how much red lipstick you slap on, or how much Gucci you wrap yourself in, those are substitutes for self-worth.

Recognizing, knowing and owning the value of your potent body of work, and pricing it for the lifetime use value so that you attract the high-end coaching clients that you’re truly here to serve.

High value, high-end coaching clients are so wary of coaches not being themselves. They can tell when your messaging is off.

They can tell when insecurity shows up in your content. They can tell when you’re subconsciously apologizing for your pricing in your content and messaging, marketing and during the high-ticket sales conversations.

Knowing who you are and being true to yourself supports you to attract high-end coaching clients like a magnet.


Know and Understand Your High-End Coaching Client.

The second step is to KNOW your high-end coaching client and UNDERSTAND who she is, how she thinks, what she wants and why she invests in herself at the highest level.

I dive deeper into this in these two videos. The first video is all about Understanding High-End Coaching Clients.

First know what she desires. What’s most important to her about that desire. How does it fit into her life?

What will fulfilling that desire or overcoming that challenge do for her life? What does that mean to her?

And how does what you offer fit into that desire and her life? What would she want it now? And what will be the catalyst for her to invest.

The second video dives into love languages of high-end coaching clients. Do you know your high-end coaching clients love language?

Do you know what activates the Caleb, Ruth or Joshua in her to invest in herself with your high-ticket coaching offers?

Or are you focused on doing pain point root canals? When you start speaking her language, attraction is magnetic.


Niche Values.

What are your unique divine gifts, magic, talents, tools, experiences?

What do you really want to do, and who do you want to do it with?

Who are you here to serve? Who were you born to serve with my divinely unique gifts?

Who does God want to share His gifts with through you? What makes them your Who?

What qualifies them to Be your Who?

And how will you recognize them?

What makes you uniquely qualified to serve my soul-aligned high-end coaching clients?

What makes you uniquely qualified to be God’s vessel for these gifts?

If you already have a Niche or Micro Niche, you can skip this part.

The third step for attracting high-end coaching clients is to is to Know and Embody your Niche Values.

Why? Because high-end coaching clients love specialists and will pay higher levels of investments to work with you if you have a specialization.

Having a niche or embodying your niche values (if you prefer not to niche) is hands down better than the fanciest sales funnel, best coaching strategy, or best #1 coaching gurus' sales script.

I’m not asking you to niche.

It doesn’t matter to your high-end coaching clients if you niche or don’t niche. They don’t care.

It doesn’t matter to your high-end coaching clients if you’re a multi-passionate spiritual transformational coach with a million interests.

They don’t care.

I’ve got a gift for you to stop any further resistance to niching down and claiming your special people you’re here to serve.

It’s a gift that will support you to STOP trying to fit into someone else’s outdated box of a Niche.

Your Magic is your Niche.

The truth is that YOU are the Niche.

how to find your coaching niche

There you have it.

There’s no need to niche down your coaching business or your high-ticket coaching offers if your Assignment is to share ALL your divine gifts with those who recognize that you’re here for them.

Your Niche Values are the glue that unites all of your multiple passions, gifts and magic, so that you divinely combine everything you do for the greatest impact for your high-end coaching clients.

When you show up TRUE and being who God says you are, unfiltered, unedited, fully you, your soul-aligned and divinely chosen high-end coaching clients will find you and recognize you.

But it’s not magic.

You’ve got to show up. You’ve got to market, and you’ve got to have the dialed-in messaging that lets you Be found. (I dive more into this in step SIX).

And here’s the danger that comes with claiming you’re an out-of-the-box creative with multiple gifts and don’t want to niche, without embodying your niche values.

You start to convince yourself and even believe that your high-end coaching clients care about or are interested in the million things you’re interested in or passionate about.

And that the million different paths you share in your content light them up, activate them and are a catalyst for investing in your high-ticket coaching offers.

That’s just simplistic self-sabotage in a boutique high-ticket coaching business.

I’ve got another secret you may not like.

Just like your wedding dress, no one, including your high-end coaching clients care about your million interests and passions as much as you do (at least until + unless those multi passions give them the results and outcomes they desire).

Your high-end coaching clients are here just for the results and benefits of the work God is doing through you for them.

They love EVERYTHING you do…. Everything that actually ties into their desires and what they consider their greatest assets.

Everything that benefits them and gives them the most exponential outcomes.

You’re the Niche. Simply BE You and co-create the results and outcomes they desire at their highest level.

how to niche when you’re a multi-passionate coach with many talents

Allow God’s wisdom and your intuition to guide you to discover WHO your high-end coaching clients are and gently pull them in with your divine aligned messaging that speaks directly to their heart.

Partnering with God and allowing in His wisdom is the key to attract high-end coaching clients who 100% get you and 100% value your high-end coaching packages without you bending over to convey the value of your work.

This is why step one (Identity) is so vital in attracting, enrolling and working with high-end coaching clients.

God has given YOU the gift of YOU, with the HOW imprinted inside you.

Your unique How is inside you and will probably die in you if you wait to get to heaven to own your Identity and step fully into your Assignment.

You don’t attract high end coaching clients with someone else’s essence. You don’t hack your way to being. You don’t hypnotize your way into being like someone else.

Even though you can do everything, identify the core of what really lights you up and creates exponential outcomes for WHO you’re to serve, without niching down.

These are your niche values.

You do the work you’re here to do for the people you’re here to serve. They’ll find you when you’re being YOU.

And for the love of all things uniquely you, you don’t have to be more professional, whatever that means.

You simply have to be MORE of YOU and do the work God is expressing through you. That’s all!

I’ve included 4 videos below on niching for high-ticket sales, to support you if you’re considering niching down or if you already have a niche, on micro-niching.


Soul-Aligned Bespoke High-Ticket Coaching Offers.

The fourth step to attract high-end coaching clients in 2024 is to co-create bespoke high-ticket coaching offers or high-end coaching packages.

What impact are you here to make in in the world? What work does God want to do through you right now?

How deep and powerfully do you want to serve? What legacy are you here to share? If you could create any impact, would it look like, and how would it feel?

What results and outcomes would you co-create with your high-end coaching clients at the MOST exponential level?

Start here.

It’s simple.

To attract high-end coaching clients, you’ve got to first have soul-aligned bespoke high-ticket coaching offers that they desire.

Not just mediocre cookie cutter or mainstream low ticket and medium ticket coaching offers for everyone, or anyone with money.

Bespoke high-ticket coaching offers that come from your soul EXCLUSIVELY attract your divinely aligned high-end coaching clients.

If you’d love to co-create your own bespoke and customized high-ticket coaching offers, then download my FREE High-Ticket Coaching Offer Playbook.

This is same Playbook that my clients in SuperNatural, Love Letters and Obsessed VIP Day have used to co-create their $25K, $45K, $110K, $250K and $375K high-ticket coaching offers over the last 6 years.

Get the Free High-Ticket Coaching Offer Playbook here or go to

I’ve also included 4 videos for you below where I dive into how to actually co-create your bespoke high-end coaching packages or high-ticket coaching offers Your Way for your high-end coaching clients.

And I’m including a video with examples of high-end coaching packages that are actually selling like hotcakes for 2024.

This video dives into 3 examples of how to structure $100K and $250K bespoke high-ticket coaching offers in 2024 and beyond.


Magnetic Messaging.

The fifth step to create messaging that actually sells your high-end coaching offers and then integrate it into a marketing strategy with simple systems that market and sell for you even when you’re asleep.

Who you’re Being and the words in your messaging are magnets for your high-end coaching clients. They pull your most loyal and MOST aligned high-ticket coaching clients to your high-ticket coaching offers.

Magnetic messaging pulls your high-coaching clients from wherever they’re hiding.

No matter how amazing your high-ticket coaching offers and no matter how great a person you are, you’re NOT going to attract any high-end coaching clients messaging that speaks to everyone.

Are you speaking to the high-end coaching clients you want to serve, or just the coaching clients you believe you’re qualified to serve? Are you afraid to be who you really are? Are you worried that your authentic self might not be acceptable?

ALL of YOU is acceptable and loved by your high-end coaching clients. It’s the only way they recognize you.

Where are you downplaying your message to make everyone happy? To be politically, correct? To not rock the boat? To fit everyone else’s version of who you “should” be and what you “should” be selling.

The key is to refine and dial-in your messaging to be uncomfortably clear to that it speaks directly to the Ruth, the Caleb and the Joshua. Those who are brave enough, ready and already know.

It’s time to break up with wishy washy language for good. And stop worrying about….

What if they find out….the depth of your soul. What if they find out what’s hidden in your heart?

What wants to come out and be fully expressed now?

What needs to be shared now, and who needs to hear it?

It goes deeper than your vision, than your mission. None of us are here to just sell coaching or just coach.

What is God whispering to your heart? This is the message your potential high-end coaching clients need to hear so that they recognize themselves.

So that it reminds them of who God says they are.

So that they simply remember.

And so that they recognize you, yes YOU, as their person. So they recognize your offers as the Lighthouse.

So that you be found.

how to get 3 high-end coaching clients

Your high-end coaching clients MUST find out. They must know. Your secret X is what attracts them to your offers like a magnet.

This potent messaging is what supports your high-ticket coaching offers to Be found.

It’s the path to the Lighthouse, that reminds them of who they are and calls them gently back home to who God says they are.

And most importantly, focus this messaging on results, outcomes and the lifetime future use value of the amazing transformations you co-create, while skipping your desire to dive into your process, framework or coaching methodology.

Here are a few examples of money mindset questions from The High-End Coaching Clients Playbook, to support you with your own messaging, so you can see how and where you’re self-sabotaging your coaching business.

money mindset course pdf
  1. Where in my messaging am I subtly or subconsciously apologizing for being a higher-ticket coaching business?
  2. Where in my messaging am I making myself bad or wrong for choosing to work with high-end coaching clients, or charge high-ticket investment rates?
  3. Where in my messaging am I subconsciously apologizing for being great? Where am I giving my power away and repelling my dream high-end coaching clients?
  4. If I was no longer apologizing, undercharging or worried about what others think about my coaching offers, my pricing or what I look or sound like, what would I be sharing in my messaging?
  5. Who would I boldly be speaking to, and who would I boldly repel?
  6. Whose opinion am I prioritizing when sharing my messaging? Who am I giving my power away to? Who am I afraid will judge me?
  7. What haven’t I said or shared in my messaging that needs to be said or shared?
  8. Am I sharing my conviction and values? Am sharing what I stand for and what I believe so that I can attract more high-end coaching clients who naturally resonate with me?

Here are a two messaging videos to support you today.


High-Ticket Marketing and High-Ticket Sales

Do you have a marketing strategy to attract high-end coaching clients?

Can you attract, enroll and start working with at least 3 high-end coaching clients over the next 10 days?

I’ve created 4 videos for you to support you to get (attract, enroll and start working with) 3 high-end coaching clients this month (or this week) based on your own bespoke Boutique Conversion Experience.

What about marketing platforms?

Knowing which marketing platforms to focus on, what to market and how to market are KEY. And knowing how to do high-ticket sales in a way that removes any sales objections is life and oxygen to your coaching business.

What platforms do you enjoy sharing value on? Where do find it fun and joyful to share your offers and talk about the results you co-create?

And most importantly, which platform hosts MOST of your high-end coaching clients? Choose the marketing platforms that work for you and do it consistently.

Show up there and serve without actually being everywhere at the same time.

I’ve already discussed this in videos I share below. Where to show up. How to show up. And what to do in those places.

And now that you’ve attracted your high-end coaching clients, it’s time to enroll and sell.

It’s one thing to attract your high-end coaching clients and it’s another thing to make offers your high-end coaching clients find irresistible.

Make offers and make them often.

I’ve got hundreds of videos diving into marketing and high-ticket sales to get you ready for success in 2024.

Watch the 2024 High-Ticket Marketing and High-Ticket Sales Mastery playlists for coaches selling high-ticket coaching offers in 2024 and beyond.

Cheers to attracting, enrolling and working with your favorite high-end coaching clients in 2024 and beyond.



MiMi Dabo, MBA, CPA, JD | The Prosperous Womb

High-End Coaching Clients Business Coach & High-Ticket Profit Explosion Midwife for Women Coaches partnering with God to Multiply Profits, Impact and Results.