You Don’t Need to Attract More High-End Coaching Clients


high-end coaching clients and high ticket sales for women

You don’t need to attract more high-end coaching clients or make more high-ticket sales in your coaching business.

Yes, you’re reading that right. More is not always better.

This is the simple truth about high-end coaching clients and high-ticket coaching sales for women.

If you love selling as much as I do, I have great news for you.

Even if you hate selling and wish you could enroll your best high-end coaching clients without high-ticket sales calls in your coaching business, I have great news for you too.

That’s the beauty of doing messaging with the identity of God-Made Women Millionaires, aka Millionaire Messaging.

Millionaire Messaging is the simple messaging that easily sells your high value, high-ticket coaching offers in the most relaxed and natural way.

Millionaire Messaging needs ALL of YOU, the God in You, the hope of His glory, to come through.

It activates the “YES buyer” in your best high-end coaching clients and immediately converts them into high-end coaching clients you love working with and love being yourself with.

Millionaire Messaging, just like high ticket sales, is simply love. A high-ticket sales accelerator.

A heartbeat connection and relationship that syncs the outcome and results of your offer with the desire of your best high-end coaching clients.

One of the ways we co-create in God-Made Women Millionaires, is playing the game we’re here to play. Being and doing the divine assignment we’re here to share in the world.

Not living by someone else’s unworthiness mindset and rules, or someone else’s definition of what success is.

That’s why I consistently debunk the idea that to make the money/income, sales, profits and impact you want in your business, you need to book more sales calls and attract more clients.

Nothing could be farther from the truth with that myth/lie/distraction.

You don’t need to book MORE sales calls to make more money.

You don’t need to attract MORE clients to make more money.

The whole point of Millionaire Messaging in a coaching business, is LESS is MORE.

You can make more money with wayyyyy lesss sales. You can make more money with wayyyy lesss clients.

Way, way, less.

You can break free from the constant need to attract MORE clients.

Phew! What a relief.

You don’t need to attract more high-end coaching clients. You don’t need to make more high-ticket sales. You can sell naturally in the most relaxed way, to those right in front of you right now.

Relaxed and natural high-ticket sales that feels like cashmere on your nervous system.

Relaxed and natural high-ticket sales is all about creating the best offer for your best high-end coaching clients, x-factor point of view positioning of that offer and sharing messaging that empowers your best high-end clients to self-identify as a YES before jumping on a high-ticket sales call or sales conversation with you.

High ticket sales is EASY when your right people apply to work with you.

What’s even better with high ticket sales?

Let’s say your goal for 2024 is $500K and your offer is $5K. You need to enroll 100 clients. 100 clients. ONE. Zero. Zero. That’s a LOT.

How many more calls do you need to book to sell that low ticket offer? Does your offer match your desire or goal? Or are you setting yourself up for stress, burnout and high-volume sales without the ROI.

Let’s say your goal for 2024 is $500K and your offer is $50K. With Millionaire Messaging, you need to book 12 calls and enroll 10 clients. Ten.

What if you trusted yourself with a potent $100K offer? 5 clients. Five.
It’s less clients and less sales calls even with a $20K offer or $10K offer.

Because Less is MORE.

Especially when you’re making money doing what you love most.

While Millionaire Messaging cannot save a mediocre low-ticket coaching offer that makes people want their money back, it can make high ticket sales feel like cashmere on your nervous system.

Here’s what it looks like in God-Made Women Millionaires.

➡Your best potential high-end coaching clients hear, see or read your Millionaire Messaging and apply to work with your ALREADY KNOWING they want to co-create the outcomes and results in your high-ticket coaching offer.

➡ You embody high ticket sales and selling as a love identity that supports you to have relaxed and natural conversations with your best potential high-end coaching clients, which leads to a deeper relationship; the YES to themselves through your high-ticket coaching offer.

➡ Whether you both decide to move together with a YES or NOT, you and your best high-end coaching client BOTH feel AMAZING because the decision is an empowered one.

Relaxed, Chilled, Natural, Simple High-Ticket Sales.

Less clients equal MORE peace, more freedom, more income, more impact and more profits.

Here’s the God-Made Women Millionaires truth about growing a coaching business that wraps around your beautiful life. About creating a business that expands you and allows God to do extraordinary work through you.

You’re NOT here to just run your business.

You’re here to enjoy life the fullest until it overflows.

So, the more time you can spend enjoying life, the better quality of life you enjoy and the better you become at selling potent high-ticket coaching offers, impacting your best high-end coaching clients (and those they impact) and making more money.

The more time you get to spend with loved ones.

The more time you get to spend doing things you love.

The more time you get to spend seeing the world and all that God has to offer.

The more money, time and resources you get to sow into the God’s work in the world and into God’s kingdom.

Your coaching business is not just another business.

It fills a need in the world.

Sales is not just sales.

Messaging is not just messaging.

Your high-ticket coaching offer is not just another mediocre coaching offer.

Marketing is not just marketing.

You’re God’s light in the world.

The more life you enjoy, the more money you make. The more money you make, the more good you do for your family, your community, the world, God’s Kingdom.

You can make high ticket sales and working with your best high-end coaching clients complicated, or you can keep things simple.

I trust you to know what’s best for you and your coaching business.

I trust you to take the limits off your impact, sales, income and profits and give yourself the gift of being extraordinarily paid for the amazing work you do.

Cheers to being simply love!
MiMi dabo | God-Made Women Millionaires.



MiMi Dabo, MBA, CPA, JD | The Prosperous Womb

High-End Coaching Clients Business Coach & High-Ticket Profit Explosion Midwife for Women Coaches partnering with God to Multiply Profits, Impact and Results.