Blossom Within: Nurture Your Mental Garden with Self-Affirmations

Mimi Nassara
3 min readDec 31, 2023


Mimi at Kakum National Park, Ghana

This year, one of the many habits I started is listening to words of affirmations as I drift into sleep. This act helped me understand the value of self-validation in fostering mental and emotional well-being. The more I read on this, the more enlightened I became. Through a snowballing effect, I began to understand the concept of transgenerational trauma (Read more). This led me to the realization that, the onus is on me to end the cycle of perpetuity of my family’s trauma, to heal and awaken the divine feminine within myself.

Recently, I also began to appreciate preachers who affirm positive things onto their congregation. Growing up in a Muslim background, we never affirm, we pray. Affirmations put the power to will your desires into existence within your own control which leads to a more optimistic outlook on life and a greater ability to navigate any unforeseen challenges. When we tell ourselves that we are capable, resilient, and worthy, we are composing a melody that resonates with belief in our own abilities.

Some months ago, I had a conversation with an acquaintance who expressed feeling the ‘imposter syndrome’ for his successes despite the 10+ years of hard work and dedication he put into his multimillion-dollar business. I was really taken aback because he carries himself so well, one would never assume that he also faces such internal battles. I think the one sure way to reduce or even eliminate the feeling of ‘imposter syndrome’ is to encourage the next generation to make self-affirmations a habit. We are all emotional beings figuring out our lives. And as we have all experienced, life’s storms can be relentless, sometimes even dark, but within the sanctuary of self-affirmation, we find an oasis of calm. During challenging times, positive self-talk becomes a refuge and a shield against the torrent of self-doubt and external pressures, providing a safe space for us to regroup, reflect, and find strength.

I really love seeing such Instagram reels that show children repeating affirmations to themselves or into a mirror because at the core of self-affirmation lies the foundation of self-esteem. So, if children can sustain a good positive image of themselves as they grow, they would show up better in society.

Here are some resources for you to try:

Deep Feminine Healing Sleep Affirmations — Become Open to RECEIVE your heart’s truest desires — YouTube

WAYNE DYER NIGHT MEDITATION -Listen for 21 nights to reprogram your subconscious — YouTube


When we articulate our aspirations with conviction and encouragement, we create a clear roadmap for success. Positive self-talk aligns our thoughts with our actions, fueling the determination needed to turn dreams into reality. Nonetheless, self-affirmation is a practice that requires patience, intentionality, and consistency. Amidst the cacophony of modern life, where external voices often dominate our thoughts, there is immense value in carving out space for the gentle whispers of self-affirmation. Speaking words of encouragement to oneself is more than just a feel-good exercise; it is a practice that can profoundly shape our mental and emotional landscape.



Mimi Nassara

A public diary of my inner and outer adventures. I am eclectic; positively inspired by everyone and everything. Philomath | Wanderer | Solopreneur