During These Catastrophic Times, I’m Getting By With a Little Help From… These Websites

A.k.a. Some Life Hacks for #TheResistance

Tina Suzanne
2 min readJul 15, 2017
Tools of the trade for members of the Resistance without 20/20 vision. (Photo by Jesus Kiteque)

Being an ordinary member of the Resistance can be overwhelming! Here’s how I’m doing it — with some online resources for keeping informed, taking action, and sustaining hope. Do you have any tips to share?

Keeping Informed

It’s too limiting these days to get news from just one or two media outlets. I’ve found it most efficient to absorb news that’s been aggregated from diverse sources and summarized by others.

Matt Kiser’s What the Fuck Just Happened Today? I go to the website, or you can receive this emailed as a newsletter. (Weekdays)

AllSides You can get out of your social media bubble by reading news from the left, right, and center on this website. (Daily)

Amy Siskind’s #NotNormal List You can find her lists on Facebook, Twitter, Medium, and now in the Library of Congress! (Weekly) Her slogan:

“Experts on authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember.”

Taking Action

Jen Hofmann’s Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience You can choose which issues to address for the week. She also includes links to some interesting news articles and a positive outlook. (Weekly)

5calls You can choose which issues to address, and phone numbers are provided.

Resistance Manual Lots of additional resources in this crowdsourced toolbox.


If you haven’t already done so, find your elected representatives:

Common Cause Tells you who your federal and state reps are, and links to additional information about them (sponsored legislation, committee membership, and political contributions).

League of Women Voters Includes county representatives, in addition to state and federal reps.

Ballotpedia Includes judges and school board members, in addition to state and federal reps.

Sustaining Hope

Alison & Stephanie’s Small Victories newsletter This focuses on the positive with a dose of humor as well! (Weekly)

For inspiration, or just food for thought, check out:

Spaceship Media Using journalism to bridge divides

Hi From the Other Side Matching 2 people of opposing political views for conversation to increase understanding

Living Room Conversations Gathering 6 people with differing political views for discussion to increase understanding

Centrist Project In a polarized two-party nation, policy recommendations for reaching common ground.



Tina Suzanne

Writer for Together We Will USA who believes in democracy and loves her country. Proud educator, mom, and member of #TheResistance.