Milo Minderbinder
1 min readNov 18, 2016


Nope. Nope. Nope.

  1. Clinton did not win the election. Everyone knew the rules going into it, and she lost, fair and square. I get that you don’t like it; neither do I. But that is reality.
  2. If the election was a straight popular vote from the start, she still probably wouldn’t have won. Trump has much more room to gain votes in places like California and New York than Clinton did in the zillion rural states that she had to compete in (ok, she could have tried Texas, but the point still holds). They would have campaigned much differently.
  3. Overturning the established rules of the election to put the losing candidate into power is the exact opposite of “defending democracy”.

I agree the electoral college is antiquated and would prefer it be thrown out altogether. But (a) it’s not gonna happen, and (b) that doesn’t mean we throw out the rules now, after the election (luckily, your proposal right now is not going anywhere either, and you know it). If Hillary had won the EC and Trump the popular vote, you would be singing a different tune.

