The Mindfire Token System: Generating Shared Rewards

2 min readAug 27, 2018


Mindfire is designed around a patent-filed, Blockchain-based Token system to encourage and incentivize competition, collaboration and innovation. Through smart contracts, the Mindfire platform creates a community of innovators who are rewarded when contributions to Mindfire are made.

Every investor will benefit financially through our Mindfire token system, which hold and increase in value across our Missions, AI Lab development and AI University achievements moving forward. Mindfire is already the owner of the first filed patent, “Cryptographic Token-Based System Configured To Manage Proposed Events Actions” as filed in the US. On the path to reaching a significant breakthrough regarding human-level AI, Mindfire Missions will generate Intellectual Property, which can be monetized fairly in accordance with the ethics board. The market for AI technology and applications is expected to increase exponentially in the coming years, potentially generating outstanding results for everyone involved.

Why does Mindfire investment at all?

Beyond recruiting the best global talent — a sufficient amount of funding is required to achieve the goal of achieving human-level AI. Mindfire seeks to attract investors through an Initial Token Offering (ITO), which will enable the funding of Mindfire Missions, with Mindfire Token’s underlying value being comprised of our collective intellectual property developed over the coming years. Moreover, your investment in the ITO will make you part of a unique global community at the heart of the AI revolution in Davos and across the world. Factoring in the work already done in recent months by hundreds of Talents who are driven by purpose rather than monetary rewards, there’s also a list of Talents who have already applied to join the community. We are the best investment opportunity to rapidly progress this industry correctly. But we need the investment to collaborate effectively and have the resources to bring the finest minds in and nurture them in our AI Lab, through Missions and AI University Courses.

Download the Mindfire White Paper here.




Mindfire is a Swiss based foundation that unites some of the the smartest minds to crack the brain code and develop human-level AI for the benefit of human kind