Some Limitations of Python

Mindfire Solutions
5 min readFeb 10, 2017


Some Limitations of Python

According to many surveys, Python is one of the most widely used programming languages of 2015. In addition to being simple and easy-to-learn, Python enables developers to express concepts without writing longer lines of code. The simple syntax and readable code make it easier for developers to maintain applications written in Python. Python also has a robust standard library, which enables web programmers to accomplish common programming tasks like web service implementation, string operations, operating system interfaces management, and working with internet protocols without writing additional code. They can use specific frameworks to use Python for developing web applications, desktop GUI applications, and scientific and numeric application and cross-platform mobile apps. But Python, like other programming languages, has several shortcomings. It’s essential for programmers to know some of the major limitations of Python programming language.

10 Important Shortcomings of Python Programming Language

1) Performance and Speed

Many studies have proved that Python is slower than other modern programming languages like Java and C++. So the developers have to frequently explore ways to enhance the Python application’s speed. However, they have a number of options to make the applications written in Python run faster. For instance, the developers can create a custom runtime, and use it instead of the default runtime of the programming language. Likewise, they can rewrite the existing Python code to take advantage of the existing execution speed.

2) Incompatibility of Two Versions

Beginners often find it pick and learn the right version of Python. Officially, Python 2.x is described as legacy, whereas Python 3.x is described as current and futuristic. But both versions of the programming language have been updated on a regular basis. Also, a large percentage of programmers still prefer Python 2 to Python 3. There are also a number of popular frameworks and libraries that support only Python 2.

3) Application Portability

Python is a high-level programming language. So developers use interpreters to convert Python code into code understandable by the operating system. They need to install specific version of Python interpreter on the operating system to run the Python application on that platform. The shortcoming does not allow programmers to use Python for developing cross-platform applications. Also, they could not port the application from one platform to another smoothly.

4) Requires Additional Testing

Python is a dynamically typed programming language. It does not require programmers to define the type of a variable while declaring it. The feature makes it easier for programmers to write code freely. But a number of critical bugs or defects emerge at the time of compilation as the variable types are not defined explicitly. So the developers must perform a number of tests additionally to identify and fix the bugs during runtime.

5) Lacks Web Development Capabilities

Many programmers prefer using Python as a scripting language to build web applications rapidly. But Python does not come with built-in web development capabilities. Also, the standard implementation of Python does not boost the web applications’ performance across multiple browsers. That is why, the Python developers have to use a number of Python web frameworks additionally to effectuate web application development. However, they have option to choose from several full-stack web frameworks for Python including Django, TurboGear, web2py, Reahland and Zope2.

6) Weak in Mobile Computing

The steady decline in mobile web usage has made it essential for modern businesses to launch mobile apps. Often developers have to write mobile apps in a particular programming language according to the targeted mobile platform. For instance, they need to write iOS app in either Objective-C or Swift. Likewise, mobile apps for Android need to be written in Java. But the developers cannot use Python directly for developing mobile apps by targeting any popular mobile platforms. They have to use frameworks like Kivy to build cross-platform mobile apps using Python.

7) Depends on Third-Party Frameworks and Libraries

Python lacks a number of features provided by other modern programming languages. So the programmers have to use a number of third-party frameworks and tools to build web applications and mobile apps in Python. However, they need to use open source frameworks and libraries to avoid increasing project overheads. The cost factor restricts the developers from availing the advanced features and functionality provided by commercial frameworks.

8) No Option to Embed Block Comments

Nowadays, developers are required to make the application code readable and maintainable. While writing code, programmers frequently deactivate a specific section or block of code by using block comments. Unlike other modern programming languages, Python does not support block comments. Hence, the programmers have to assess the quality of the code either by writing comments for each line of code or removing a specific section of code at the time of execution. The lack of block comments support requires programmers to put additional time and effort to assess the quality of Python code.

9) Many Python Modules Lack Adequate Support

Python is supported by a large and active community. The members of the Python community regularly share new packages or modules to make it easier for programmers to add functionality to the application. But developers often complain that the quality of individual Python modules or packages differs. Some of these packages lack adequate support, and are not updated regularly. Hence, the programmers have to do some initial research to pick the right packages or modules.

10) Does not Provide Prebuilt Statistical Models and Tests

Many developers prefer using Python for developing custom statistical and big data applications. But developers need to use additional statistical and data analysis packages to write statistical applications more efficiently. Also, they have to use specific libraries like Pygal, Seaborn and Bokeh to accomplish data visualization. They cannot make the Python application present and analyze huge volumes of data without using these libraries and tools.

On the whole, the developers can use Python to build a variety of software applications rapidly. But they have to use a number of third-party libraries and frameworks additionally to overcome the limitations of this high-level programming language. At the same time, they also need to explore ways to enhance the performance and speed of the Python applications consistently.



Mindfire Solutions

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