Change Your Beliefs: It’s Okay To Check Your Bank Account

Chioma Njoku
5 min readAug 20, 2018
Photo courtesy of Unsplash

To me, she was the vision and definition of success. She has a multiple six-figure business and confidently declared she was on track to be a millionaire by the end of 2018.

On her website are a few “as seen on” badges. Two are Business Insider and Forbes.

Not a single strand of hair was out of place. Her manicure was perfect and her makeup was flawless.

She exuded a talk-show-host-like quality, speaking clearly, without the typical “um” and “ah” that tend to fill my sentences.

This woman is a single mother of two children and appears to have it all. She was a strong representation of my client avatar, also known as my ideal client.

Naturally, I requested to speak to her because I wanted to learn about her relationship with money. After all, if you’re featured on Business Insider and Forbes, you must have a ton of wisdom, right?

The other reason for interviewing her was to share her wisdom with my clients.

They too are six-figure earners…however a couple are what I call “broke” six-figure earners. That means, the money that comes in goes right out, often with more going out than coming in.

By sharing her wisdom I believed my clients would feel inspired to change their…



Chioma Njoku

Chioma is an finance advisor and money-mindset strategist on a mission to help business owners go from stuck to thriving.