The Shocking Truth About Accountability: How to Succeed by Embracing Failure and Criticism

Mindful Market
3 min readJan 17, 2023

“You know what I always say? It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

Hey there, it’s

, you can call me “YUKIRA”

(🤫🤫shhhh….. I secretly enjoy anime shows when my wife is out),

and I’m here to give you some advice. You see, I’ve been in a lot of different situations in my life. I’ve had jobs, I’ve had relationships, I’ve had…well, I’ve had a lot of things.

But one thing I’ve learned is that people don’t understand what accountability entails. They think accountability means being successfully accountable. No — it means you have to stick your neck out and fail publicly. You have to be willing to let people criticize you.

But that’s the thing about accountability. You have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and risk looking foolish. That’s the only way you’ll ever accomplish anything.

and for that I want to tell you a little story about a book that changed my life. It’s called “Total Ownership.”

😎 Get ready, because this is about to change your life 😎

You’re probably feeling pretty down about not seeing results. Trust me, I know the feeling. I’ve been there. But don’t worry, you’re not alone.

We’ve all been there, right? Trying to make progress and hit our goals, but feeling like we’re just spinning our wheels. But you know what’s missing? Accountability.

See, we all want success. We want the promotion, the six-pack abs, the perfect relationship. But the reality is, wanting it and actually achieving it are two different things.

Just like you I was at a point in my life where I felt like I was stuck. I had a job, but I wasn’t happy. I had a decent life, but I wasn’t satisfied. I knew I wanted more, but I didn’t know how to get it.

That’s when I stumbled upon “Total Ownership.” The book is all about taking responsibility for your life, setting goals, and taking action to achieve them. And let me tell you, it was a game changer.

Before I read the book, I was just going through the motions. I was living life on autopilot. But after reading it, I realized that I was the only one who could change my life. I was the only one who could make things happen.

The book taught me that if I wanted something, I had to go out and get it. I couldn’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. I had to take action and make things happen.

So, I set some goals for myself and started working towards them. I set a goal to get a promotion at work, and I worked my butt off. I set a goal to start my own business, and I did it.

I started to take control of my life and started to see the results. And I have to say, it feels pretty good.

“Total Ownership” is a book that will show you how to take control of your life, set goals and achieve them. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to change their life and take it to the next level.

🤔 I know, I know. It’s easier said than done 🤔

But Just go out there and take a risk.

Stick your neck out.

Fail publicly.

And most importantly, be willing to listen to criticism. It’s the only way to grow and become a better person.

Just like I did.

So don’t give up just yet. You’ve got this. And remember, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”



Mindful Market

I have the best God d*mn content on this platform! NGL!! If you don't walk away smarter or educated, you'll get a few chuckles at the bare minimum. ON GOD!