Money and Mental Health

Mind Help
1 min readDec 4, 2023

Money and mental health share a complex relationship, with financial stress affecting mental well-being and financial stability contributing positively to mental health. The connection between wealth and mental illness is crucial, yet only 33 percent of adults globally are considered financially literate. Financial stress induces anxiety, helplessness, and may lead to poor decision-making behaviors. Conversely, excessive wealth can result in preoccupation, stress, and a sense of distrust. Financial resources can support social connections, physical health, and personal growth, enhancing self-esteem.

Poor mental health influences money management, causing impulsive spending and neglect of financial responsibilities. To reduce monetary stress, creating a budget, keeping expense records, consulting financial advisors, and practicing mindfulness are recommended. While therapy can help individuals address psychological issues related to money, it’s essential to recognize that money is not the sole determinant of mental health.

A balanced approach prioritizing overall well-being is crucial, incorporating financial stability with other factors. Saving money can positively impact mental health by providing a sense of control and accomplishment. In essence, understanding and managing the interplay between money and mental health are vital for a healthy and balanced life.

