Morning Gratitude: “My Trio.”

Eric Higuera
2 min readMar 11, 2023


Starting the day is an experience that is unique to everyone. I start my day with a banana, cold water, and a cup of cold brew (any coffee, depending on the mood). The importance of starting the day with a practice or object of personal interest is the first step in practicing gratitude. The slight action of doing something for yourself before starting the day leads to a new perspective, impacting the mood regardless of any outcome. I am not saying life will be seamless because of morning gratitude, but one’s perspective becomes optimistic, emanating happiness from the simplicity of life. Gratitude only comes from the moment if one separates themselves from autopilot and acknowledges the moment as an experience rather than another repetitive moment in life’s many experiences.

Personal Doodle on Post-it

Why practice gratitude?
Questioning the practice of gratitude comes with the cliche nature of being grateful in a world that seems abundantly endless in pleasures. Our society is progressing in unfathomable ways, where regular acts of living have become seamless through automation. Technological advancements may eventually transpire into our thinking, making simple practices and critical thinking obsolete. Gratitude allows one to evaluate the value of objects and actions within one’s personal life rather than dismissing them as mundane experiences in a technologically expeditious society. I derive fulfillment through sharing gratitude with others directly or indirectly. Individuals may not have the capacity to be innately grateful and feed off the positivity others radiate. No one is obliged to cater to an individual’s feelings, but the sheer simplicity of being grateful significantly influences the mundane action of being passive.

How to practice gratitude?
There is no right or by-the-book way to practice gratitude. Gratitude is felt subjectively based on one's personal life experiences. For myself, I pondered on how one can practice gratitude with a personal question.
“Why does this matter to me?”
It is a very selfish question for a purposeful reason. It allows for introspection and evaluation of personal relationships with actions and objects that seem monotonous. Value is on the subliminal forefront, creating an emotional dialogue between the individual and the action/object in place. It challenges reasoning and perplexes individuals to reflect on things overlooked in our busy lives. Pessimistic thinking can defeat the purpose of these questions, but it is beneficial to look at the constructive nature of gracious interactions. Life is one incredible experience of moments unique to everyone; gratitude maximizes what we make of them.



Eric Higuera

A spectrum of ideas and discussion.