
The Logos of Hermes Trismegistus

A Summary of “The Perfect Sermon”, or “Asclepius” (100 CE)

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14 min readJul 11, 2023


The Perfect Discourse or Asclepius is a Hermetic text that was written between 100 and 300 CE. It is, along with the Corpus Hermeticum, one of the most well-known and appreciated of the religio-philosophical Hermetica.

The work deals with a number of different topics, but in particular it attempts to convey the idea of the ultimate oneness of the world with God, wherein “Man” is a link between the two. It is also famous for its pertinent prophecy regarding the future of Egypt.

We continue with a simplified abridgement of the text.

“Egyptian God”. Image generated by Midjourney; the author retains copyright.

By the way, I’m now publishing all of my book summaries under the publication Paraphilosophy. I’d really appreciate it if you could follow — it’s free. 😁


God has brought you here, Asclepius, for a divine sermon, surpassing all others in piety and inspiration. If you understand this Word, your mind will be filled with goodness. I dedicate this treatise to you, Asclepius. Bring only Ammon, for we do not want a large audience. It is impious to share divine knowledge with the crowd.




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