Privacy in biosignals on the blockchain

2 min readAug 1, 2017


Stimuli/response with a loved one (not factual)

A common problem in the identification/authentication ecosystem is privacy and security which has quite a few solutions but not a definite one. Most concerns stem from the fact that biometric signals are unique to an individual and once compromised can mean that impersonation attacks can take place. Given the inability for someone to change his iris or fingerprint this creates a failure scenario.

That’s where MindPass technology comes in. We have been thinking deeply and working on the implementation of an innovative system that solves this by combining biosignals (which are different from classical biometrics) and authentication. Our solution takes advantage of reusable entries aka multiple passwords instead of only one biometric one. This is feasible with the stimuli/response approach that yields a new password or if you like private/public key sequence for each different stimuli or combination of them for even more security. Having a vast pool of possible stimuli that are not even confined to visual/audio means that one-time passwords are also a possibility according to the level of security needed.

Although preventing hacks is the ultimate goal, one cannot ever be sure if it will happen at some point since there are multiple attack vectors. Let’s take an example of the easiest one and that is using a compromised device. Even though in our implementation the system uses an open-source algorithm that is self-verifiable, unalterable and provably correct through visual signals to the user much like hardware wallets do, one can bring himself in a situation where he uses a device that is indeed compromised. In that case the passwords can change unlike other biometric methods.

To debunk another myth or common misconception if you like; the MindPass system does not read your mind. What it does is that it locally processes your response to different stimuli much like your heartbeat goes up when you see the love of your life or your saliva is drooling when you see your favorite ice-cream :)

