Mindplex Podcast Episode 24: Open Source Farming Rovers

4 min readMar 6, 2024


Learn all about open-source solar-powered autonomous farming rovers and how regenerative farming is important for the future of the planet.

Join special guest Sequoia a.k.a. Taylor Alexander, Maintainer of the Acorn Open Source Autonomous Farming Rover project.

Watch the show here.

Episode 23: Open Source Farming Rovers

Acorn is a solar-powered farming robot under development by Sequoia a.k.a. Taylor Alexander and Daniel Theobald, who are both passionate about revolutionizing the agriculture industry. Sequoia and Daniel had both dreamed of creating farming robots for many years, so when they discovered each other, the synergy was obvious.

Now the possibilities are endless.

The ultimate goal of the project is to create a precision farming rover (PFR) named Acorn, equipped with a crop vision system and various tools that can be used throughout the farming process from soil preparation to harvesting.

Sequoia and Daniel started out designing a base vehicle that was solar powered, had four-wheel drive, and was lightweight, with the intention of making it accessible and easy to build in any location around the world. Using simple materials such as bicycle parts and 3D printable parts, they implemented a design that included a rectangular frame made from welded aluminum, with four-wheel steering on all corners.

The prototype vehicle was successfully created and equipped with remote control capabilities, a small computer, and GPS for self-driving functionality. This base vehicle serves as the foundation for incorporating tools and computer vision systems to further enhance its farming capabilities.

Acorn gets solar panels.

The Acorn project emphasizes the benefits of regenerative farming and aims to support small to medium-sized farms in implementing sustainable farming practices. By providing a platform for farmers to automate and streamline various farming tasks, the solar-powered robot has the potential to increase efficiency, reduce labor costs, and promote environmentally friendly farming methods.

Creating a versatile and accessible farming robot opens up possibilities for innovation and collaboration within the agricultural community and paves the way for a new era of automated and sustainable farming practices. The key design decisions for the robot include its capability to handle various tasks involved in the farming process, such as soil preparation, planting, weeding, and harvesting.

Sequoia and Daniel’s vision for the project extends beyond creating a single robot for their own use. They are now working on developing a production version of the robot that will be available as a kit for others to build and customize for their own farming needs. This will not only allow individuals to have their own customized farming robots, but it can also foster a community of developers and users who can collaborate and share features to further improve and expand the capabilities of the robot.

You can learn more and get involved with the community at: community.twistedfields.com or read more about the whole system here.

Why Regenerative Farming Is Important

Regenerative farming offers a holistic approach to agriculture that prioritizes the health of both the land and the people who depend on it. One example of regenerative farming is no-till agriculture, where farmers avoid disturbing the soil through tillage, allowing for greater water retention and reduced erosion. Another example is the use of agroforestry systems, where trees are planted alongside crops to improve soil health, provide habitat for beneficial insects, and increase biodiversity.

These practices not only benefit the environment by promoting sustainable land management, but also result in healthier, more nutrient-dense food for consumers.

The Acorn robot, and the community around it, is an important model that demonstrates how a community-based regenerative model for growing food at large scale can work. Sequoia and Daniel are making their designs and documentation freely available and are committed to putting the technology in the hands of as many people as possible.

Episode 23’s Featured Guest: Sequoia a.k.a. Taylor Alexander

About Sequoia Alexander

Sequoia Alexander, Maintainer of the Acorn Robot at Twisted Farms

Sequoia makes open-source robots and other things. She is the maintainer of Acorn: the Precision Farming Rover from Twisted Fields and has been a robotics software engineer for many years. Her GitHub is here.

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