MindSports IO FAQ

You’ve got Q’s, we’ve got A’s.

MindSports IO
6 min readOct 18, 2017



Last updated: Nov 8 2017

If your Q isn’t A’d on this page, contact us on Telegram or email us at info@mindsports.io

Q1: Why MindSports IO?
Q2: What Your Mission?
Q3: What is MIND?
Q4: What is the Problem You are Trying to Solve?
Q5: What are the Benefits of Applying Blockchain Technology to MindSports IO?Q6: Usage of MIND Tokens?
Q7: Will I be Able to Trade my MIND on Cryptocurrency Exchanges?
Q8: Is MindSports IO free?
Q9: What Crypto-Currencies Will You Accept During the Sale?
Q10: How are You Different Than the Competition
Q11: Your Team Composition?
Q12: What is the MindSports IO Team Going to Deliver?
Q13: Who Will Be Able to Use MindSports IO?
Q14: When is This Platform Supposed to be Ready By?
Q15: What are the Steps to Participate in the Token Pre-sale?
Q16: What are the Token Sale Details?
Q17: Where Can I Learn More About MindSports IO Technical Details?

Q1: Why MindSports IO?

Powered by Ethereum, MindSports IO is decentralized social gaming network where users can, host, play and govern rated mind games such as Chess, Draughts (Checkers), Xiangqi, Bridge and Go.

Q2: What is Your Mission?

To disrupt the way trust is built in the mind sports community and establish a decentralized social gaming network through the use of blockchain technology.

Q3: What is MIND?

MIND is the abbreviation used for MindSports IO token.

Q4: What is the Problem You are Trying to Solve?

Current gaming platforms for mind sports games such as Chess, Draughts (Checkers), Xiangqi, Bridge and Go require a centralized host.

Here are the problems:

· Need for Trust in a Single-Party Host

· Platform Reliability

· Cheating and Game Manipulation

Q5: What are the Benefits of Applying Blockchain Technology to MindSports IO?

Blockchain technology will remove centralized game hosting and revolutionized the way mind sports are played.

MindSports IO is decentralized social gaming network powered by Ethereum, IPFS, Whisper and the MIND Registry. Users can vote, host, govern and play mind games.

The MindSports IO community can stake their token and interact with the MIND Registry to govern development roadmap of the network. Token holders can propose and vote for the mind games they would like MindSports IO team to build and deploy next.

Every Mind Games DApps consist of 4 main components

1. HTML5 Front End Client

2. IPFS as a Decentralized Storage Layer

3. Smart Contract as Decentralized Logic Layer

4. Whisper as the Messaging Layer

Q6: What is MIND token usage?

Token Usage

1. MindSports IO Network Governance
Be part of the MIND Registry to propose and vote for the mind games they would like MindSport IO team to build and deploy to the network.

2. Decentralized Games Hosting
Users can host decentralized mind sports leagues and tournaments. In return for creating community engagements and deploying games, the host is rewarded MIND tokens for their contribution based on the number of participants and number of MIND tokens committed for their event.

3. Play Trustless Mind Games and Win Tokens
Players will use MIND tokens as a currency for challenging other players and joining tournaments in various intellectual games. MindSports IO provides a place where people can safely place token bets against one another since the transactions and games are publicly verifiable and resistant to counterfeiting.

4. Dispute Voting Governance
When dispute is raised by players, smart contracts will broadcast dispute information to the mindsports community. Token holders can vote in favor or against the dispute in a finite voting period.

Q7: Will I be able to trade my MIND on Cryptocurrency Exchanges?

Yes! We are working with multiple, well-known exchanges to list MIND as soon as possible.

Q8: Is MindSports IO Free?

The MindSports IO platform is free to sign up, free to try. We will introduce a practice/demo option for users to be more familiar with the platform. However, MIND token will be required in order to participate our key features of the decentralized gaming network such as hosting tournaments, challenging players for tokens, and being part of the voting and network governance community.

Q9: What crypto-currencies will you accept during the sale?

At the moment, our Token Offering will only accept ETH (Ethereum).

Q10: How are you different than the competition?

We are providing a decentralized network for people to host, play and govern games with cryptocurrency that is secure, efficient and transparent.

Most competitors focus on one type of mind sports game. We are consolidating all the major mind sports into one platform to achieve synergy between all aspects of mind sports.

The MIND Registry allows token holders to propose a vote on the next MindSports IO game to be developed and deploy within the network.

Q11: What Is Your Team Composition?

Our passionate team and advisors consist of key executives and directors in prominent associations such as the World Chess Federation (FIDE) and the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA), blockchain experts, crypto investors, chess grandmasters, and various global mind sports professionals.

Profile details can be found here

Q12: What is the MindSports IO team going to deliver?

· Mind Sports Rated Gaming Platform for various intellectual games such as Chess, Draughts (Checkers), Xiangqi, Bridge and Go

· MindSports Social Network

· Decentralize Apps (DApps) for hosting, playing and governing MindSports games, events, tournaments, and leagues.

Q13: Who will be able to use MindSports IO?

Players, Viewers, Developers, Game Hosts, and Content Creators. Specifically, those looking to win and earn MIND Tokens, our smart contract will allow payments on MindSports IO transparent, secure and trusted. Tokens are also used to vote which mind game should be developed and deployed next.

Secondary users will look for MindSports IO as a platform to learn and get more familiar with intellectual games such as Chess, Draughts (Checkers), Xiangqi, Bridge and Go and many more.

Q14: When is This Platform Supposed to be Ready By?

We currently have a demo version of MindSports IO. According to our current timeline, we estimate our beta version will ready by the first quarter of 2018

Q15: What are the steps to participate in the token sale presale?

1. Visit Here to Register for Our Pre-Sale

By checking out the MindSports IO whitepaper and verifying your email address, you will be added to our Whitelist.

2. Join us on Telegram.

To participate in the token presale, we require everybody to register for our Whitelist and Telegram

ONLY contribute when the MIND presale is announced on this channel and our website. We will NEVER ask you for ETH via email or Telegram messages. ONLY use these listed sources for accurate information and updates. Consider any information coming from other unknown sources to be untrustworthy, false, or worse a phishing or scam attempt.

Q16: What are the Token Pre-Sale Details

Pre-Sale Start Date: Nov 17,2017 02:00pm UTC
Pre-Sale End Date: Dec 16, 2017 02:00pm UTC
Official Token Sale Date: TBA after Pre-Sale

Total Supply: 50,000,000 MIND
Pre-Sale Supply: 15,000,000 MIND
Regular Token Sale Supply: 20,000,000 MIND

First 24 Hours +50% Bonus Tokens
Day 2 +25% Bonus
Day 3 +10% Bonus
Day 4 + 5% Bonus

Restrictions on Participation

Due to government regulations, we are unable to accept contributions from the following people:

  • Citizens or residents of the People’s Republic of China and South Korea
  • Citizens or residents of Canada, and the United States who are not accredited investors.
  • Citizens or residents of Canada or United States who are accredited investors may participate in this token pre-sale.

See here for contribution instructions


Q17: Where can I learn more about MindSports IO technical details?

You can download our whitepaper by visiting https://www.mindsports.io/. Relevant code for the platform is available on MindSports Github page. https://www.github.com/mindsports

My question was not answered. How can I contact the MindSports IO team?

Please join our Telegram chat https://t.me/mindsportsio or email us at info@mindsports.io and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

