How to avoid negative social media effects on brain?

Mindsurfing Club
7 min readJan 9, 2023


Capitalism, the economic system that prioritizes the pursuit of profit over all else, has long been criticized for its exploitative nature. Some argue that it turns people into slaves, working endlessly to produce wealth for a select few at the top. With the rise of technology, particularly the use of brain-hacking techniques, this exploitation has reached a new level.

One way that capitalism has been able to create slaves is through the use of brain-hacking technology. This can take many forms, such as the use of subliminal messages in advertising or the manipulation of social media algorithms to influence behavior. By targeting the brain’s psychophysiology, these techniques are able to bypass conscious decision-making and directly influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. How does it work?

In our brains we have the dopamine reward system that is a neural pathway in the brain that is involved in the reward and pleasure centers. When we engage in activities that are pleasurable, such as eating, having sex, or playing sports, the brain releases dopamine, which activates the reward system and produces feelings of pleasure. This system is thought to have evolved as a way to encourage behaviors that were beneficial for survival, such as eating and reproducing.

However, the dopamine reward system can also be manipulated by external factors, such as drugs or technology. When the reward system is constantly activated, it can lead to addiction and other negative consequences.

For example, social media algorithms are designed to show users an endless scroll of content that is tailored to their interests and behaviors. This can be highly engaging, as it activates the brain’s reward system and releases dopamine, a chemical associated with pursuit. The more time users spend on social media, the more dopamine is released, creating a cycle of addiction. As a result, people may find themselves scrolling through their feeds for hours on end, even when it is not actively enjoyable or fulfilling.

In addition to manipulating the brain’s reward system, brain-hacking techniques can also use fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions to influence behavior. For example, an advertisement that plays on people’s fears about their safety or security may be more effective at persuading them to purchase a product. Similarly, social media algorithms may prioritize content that elicits strong emotional reactions, such as outrage or shock, as this leads to higher engagement and more time spent on the platform.

The use of brain-hacking technology is particularly concerning because it allows capitalism to exert control over individuals in ways that are not immediately apparent. It is one thing to be aware of and resist exploitation in the traditional sense, such as through low wages or poor working conditions. It is quite another to be unaware that your thoughts and behaviors are being influenced by outside forces. This lack of awareness makes it much harder for individuals to assert their autonomy and make choices that are truly their own.

Furthermore, the use of brain-hacking technology reinforces and exacerbates existing power imbalances within capitalism. Those with the resources and knowledge to develop and utilize these techniques have a significant advantage over those who are being targeted. It allows the wealthy and powerful to further consolidate their control and manipulate the masses for their own benefit.

In conclusion, capitalism’s use of brain-hacking technology represents a disturbing trend in the exploitation of individuals. It not only turns people into quote unquote slaves, but does so in a way that is insidious and difficult to resist. It is crucial that we recognize and address this issue in order to create a more equitable and just society.

Here are some psychology-based recommendations for maintaining a healthy dopamine reward system and avoiding the negative effects of capitalism on the brain:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Being mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can help you to become more aware of when your dopamine reward system is being activated and to make conscious choices about your actions. Meditation is one of these practices and its effects on dopamine system are very impressing, so we recommend you to add this to your daily habits. More about these practices you may learn if you subscribe to our Youtube channel.
  2. Engage in activities that bring you genuine pleasure: Instead of relying on external sources of pleasure, such as social media or shopping, try to engage in activities that bring you genuine joy and fulfillment. This could include hobbies, exercise, or spending time with loved ones.
  3. Take breaks from technology: Limiting your time on social media and other technology can help to reduce the influence of brain-hacking techniques and give your brain a chance to rest and recharge. You can just turn off the smartphone sometimes and open an interesting book instead or have a talk with someone.
  4. Educate yourself about brain-hacking techniques: By learning more about how brain-hacking techniques work, you can become more aware of when you might be being influenced and be better equipped to resist their effects.
  5. Read more books: First of all, you don’t scroll your feed while reading and that itself may be a useful tool. Reading books can provide an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection, which can help individuals to become more aware of their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This can make it easier to identify when they might be being influenced by outside forces and to make more conscious choices about their actions.

Books can certainly be powerful tools for developing wisdom, as they offer the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding about a wide range of topics. By reading books, individuals can expose themselves to new ideas and perspectives, which can help to broaden their understanding of the world. This, in turn, can lead to greater insight and wisdom.

There is some evidence to suggest that the monotonous process of reading may have a calming effect on the brain and may even have the potential to heal the dopaminergic system. For example, research has shown that reading can reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on the brain and overall well-being. Additionally, some studies have found that reading can increase brain connectivity and even improve brain function.

However, it is important to note that the extent to which reading can specifically heal the dopaminergic system is not well understood and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between reading and brain health. Nonetheless, it is clear that reading can have a range of benefits for the brain and overall well-being, and may be a useful tool for developing wisdom and improving mental health.

It is not the case that capitalism is inherently bad because it involves brain-hacking techniques. Rather, the issue is the negative impact that these techniques can have on individuals and society as a whole. By manipulating people’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, capitalism is able to exert control and influence in ways that are not immediately apparent. This can lead to a lack of autonomy and freedom, as people are not fully aware of how they are being influenced and may make choices that are not truly their own.

To avoid these negative effects, it is important to be aware of brain-hacking techniques and to make conscious choices about how we engage with them. This may involve limiting our time on social media or seeking out diverse sources of information. By being mindful of the ways in which our thoughts and behaviors are being influenced, we can gain greater freedom and autonomy in our decision-making.

For those who use social media and other technology on a daily basis, it is especially important to be aware of the potential negative effects. By becoming more mindful of our interactions with these platforms, we can avoid being caught in the cycle of addiction and manipulation that they can create. By taking breaks and engaging in activities that bring us genuine pleasure and fulfillment, we can find greater balance and happiness in our lives.

Ultimately, the goal is not to reject capitalism or technology outright, but rather to find a way to engage with them in a healthy and mindful way that allows us to retain our autonomy and freedom. By being aware of the negative effects of capitalism on the brain and taking steps to mitigate them, we can create a more equitable and just society.

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