Mind the Graph supports student’s research initiatives in South America

Mind the Graph
The Science Educator
3 min readNov 29, 2019

During the 24th and 25th of October 2019, the XI Research Meeting and Post-Graduation of the Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute and the Pequeno Príncipe Colleges took place at the Cargo Transport Companies Union in Paraná (Setcepar). The event was part of the official celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Pequeno Príncipe Complex, that has important research initiatives. The meeting included presentations by masters and PhD students of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Child and Adolescent Health. Also they organized national and international lectures.

Conference room at Pelé Pequeno Príncipe

The selected audience

The program, coordinated by Doctor Bonald Cavalcante de Figueiredo, has field of research in the cell therapy, molecular biology, genetics, toxicology, immunology, pharmacology, oncology, neuroscience and others. The program also features national and international collaborations and has several high impact publications.

Maiara Carolina Perussolo is the student representative and organizer of the event. According to her, it was possible to observe a change in the Institute’s environment. “The students needed to build a scientific event from the beginning. So during the whole preparation we had to develop and put into practice different skills in our daily life. We searched for supporters and sponsors and elaboration of promotional material for example. This created an atmosphere of excitement and involvement among the students and professors of the program” she said.

Firstly, the Professor of Oncology, Gynecology and Obstetrics at Georgetown University (Washington, DC, USA), Bassem R. Haddad, web-hosted International lectures. He commented the past, present and future of science in the world. After that, the second international lecture was given by the scientist Dr. Mirvat Surakhy, from the University of Oxford (United Kingdom), who told about her academic career. Also, at the end of the event, Prof. Dr. João Batista Calixto, director of the Center for Innovation and Preclinical Trials (CIEnP — Florianópolis) was featured in the national lecture on advances in research and innovation in Brazil.

Little princess image

From left to right: Maiara Carolina Perussolo, Mariana Inocência Manzano e Claudia Rita Corso

Fundamental Support to research initiatives

The Pequeno Príncipe Complex, through the Research Institute, organized the XI Research and Postgraduate Meeting of the Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute and Pequeno Príncipe Colleges. The event had the fundamental performance of a organization committee made up of 12 masters and PhD students. Setcepar sponsored the event and supported by the following companies: Induslab, Kasvi, Mind the Graph, Scientific Enhancement Center (NAC), PeproTech and Greiner Bio-One.

Mind the Graph’s support was through two signatures, awarded to the event to be raffled. “Mind the Graph is an important science dissemination tool that enables the synthesis and layout of scientific processes. The postdoctoral student Claudia Rita Corso is the one of the Mind the Graph signature winners drawn at the event. She said that Mind the Graph is a very didactic and intuitive tool. So it facilitates the use not only for scientific articles, but also for didactic lesson schemes”. Mariana Inocencio Manzano, master’s student also won a signature. In conclusion, she points out that today articles presenting Graphical Abstract have a greater chance of publication. “With Mind the Graph I will have access to more tools that allow me to quickly build various layouts for articles and presentations,” she said.

You can read more about research initiatives in our other posts:

Originally published at Mind The Graph.



Mind the Graph
The Science Educator

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