| 學習筆記 4 | 容易搞混的一些單字 — substantial, substitute, sustain, strain

2 min readApr 24, 2019



Substantial (adj.)

sub有子集合、較下的部分,甚至還是substitute的簡寫;stan我查了一下似乎沒有什麼特別的意義;tial是常見形容詞結尾;總之整個單字好像都跟 [豐富的、大量的] 沒什麼關係

After this event, I have a substantial change.

I need to learn substantial vocabularies to let my English get better.

Substitute (v.)

sub本身就有這個字的意思 [代替] ,常見的相似字有replace, instead of

I want to substitute onion for garlic. = I want to substitute garlic by onion.

= I want to replace garlic to onion.

= I want to use onion instead of garlic.

以上全部的意思都是"我想用洋蔥代替大蒜" (煮菜的時候好像滿實用的),但每個字或者搭配介係詞後,就會有不同的順序用法,我自己在練習回想記憶的時候,也是在公車上想了很久

Sustain (v.)

這個字就跟sus字首比較有關係了,是 [支持] 的意思,雖然看起來感覺是個遙不可及的單字,但造了句之後發現滿實用,而且更好記憶了

A stable job is an important part to sustain my dream.

My family sustain me to do this decision.

Strain (n.)

這個字有許多意思,包含 [作用力、類型、品種、壓力、過濾…] ,我這邊主要放在類型、品種的意思上

This new strain of the virus cause the flu recently.


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