AI Wave: Precautions to be taken before it takes over us!

Mindy Jay
4 min readMar 28, 2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an unprecedented pace, transforming industries and reshaping our daily lives in ways that were once unimaginable.

From self-driving cars and voice assistants to medical diagnosis and financial predictions, AI is becoming more sophisticated and ubiquitous. But as AI becomes more powerful and autonomous, some people fear that it could surpass human intelligence and control, leading to a dystopian future where machines dominate and humans serve.

So, can AI wave take over us? The short answer is: it depends on how we design and deploy AI systems, and how we manage the ethical and social implications of AI.

While some experts believe that the risks of AI takeover are overblown or distant, others warn that we need to take AI safety seriously and invest in AI alignment and governance to avoid catastrophic outcomes.

One way to frame the AI takeover debate is to distinguish between weak AI and strong AI.

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, refers to AI systems that are designed to perform specific tasks and operate within a limited scope of knowledge and ability. Examples of weak AI include image recognition, language translation, and game playing. While these AI systems can outperform humans in certain domains, they do not possess general intelligence or consciousness.

On the other hand, strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), refers to AI systems that can achieve human-level intelligence and adaptability across multiple domains.

AGI would be capable of self-learning, self-improvement, and self-replication, and could potentially exceed human intelligence in ways that are hard to predict. If AGI were to emerge and become superintelligent, it could pose existential risks to humanity, either by accident or by design.

The timeline and likelihood of AGI emergence and takeover are highly debated among AI experts and futurists. Some optimists believe that AGI is still far away and that we have plenty of time to develop safe and beneficial AI.


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Some skeptics argue that AGI is impossible or too far-fetched to worry about. However, many researchers and thinkers in the AI safety community urge caution and urgency in addressing the risks of AGI and ensuring that AI serves human values and goals.

According to Stuart Russell, a leading AI researcher and author of the book “Human Compatible”, the key challenge of AI safety is to align AI systems with human preferences and values, rather than just optimizing for a narrow objective. Russell argues that we need to shift the AI paradigm from “what is the best action to take?” to “what is the best outcome to achieve?”, and to imbue AI systems with uncertainty and humility about their own goals and limitations. In other words, we need to design AI systems that are uncertain about what we want and why we want it, and that seek clarification and feedback from humans.

Another approach to AI safety is to develop AI governance and regulation frameworks that ensure transparency, accountability, and participation in AI decision-making. For example, the EU has proposed a set of guidelines for ethical AI that emphasize human agency, transparency, privacy, and social and environmental well-being. Similarly, the Partnership on AI, a consortium of leading tech companies, academics, and NGOs, has developed a set of ethical principles for AI that emphasize fairness, safety, and responsibility.

In conclusion, the question of whether AI wave can take over us is a complex and contentious one that requires careful consideration and collaboration among various stakeholders. While we cannot predict the future with certainty, we can work towards shaping it in a way that maximizes the benefits and minimizes the risks of AI.

By investing in AI safety research, developing ethical and regulatory frameworks, and engaging in public debates and dialogues about the future of AI, we can stop the risk, however.

It is essential to recognize that AI technology is still in its infancy and cannot replace human intelligence, emotions, and morality.

AI systems lack the creativity, empathy, and common sense that make humans unique. Therefore, AI technology should be viewed as a tool that humans can use to improve their lives, rather than a replacement for humans.

The idea of AI taking over humans is somehow unlikely to occur. However, we must be cautious about how we develop and use AI technology to ensure that it serves the best interests of humanity.

AI technology has the potential to improve our lives in many ways, and we should embrace its benefits while mitigating any potential risks.

Thank you for reading.

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Mindy Jay

Business student - Also interested in AI, crypto and tech