Announcement: Minexcoin available for trading on EXMO… and more?

Minexcoin | MinexPay
2 min readJul 25, 2018


July has been an exciting month! Indeed, we have been sharing a lot with our community and we can safely say that it has been much appreciated. One piece of news after the other, we have started the process of opening Minexcoin’s doors to our followers, and allowing them to feel our energy, passion and rapid developments.

What was the result you ask? We have ignited sparks of interest and curiosity in the community once again, which has lead to a growing thirst for more!

Well, dear Minex crypto-fellows, we are not about to stop now. On the contrary, we are here today to announce thrilling news and continue to deliver on our promises.

Listing on EXMO

Time has come to expand Minexcoin’s frontiers and conquer new horizons. Our team is proud to announce listing of MNX on EXMO on the 25th of July. That’s right, today!
As our community has been longing for new exchanges and patiently waiting to see light shed on Minexcoin, we are delighted to indulge those feelings!

The following MNX trading pairs (clickable) MNX/BTC, MNX/ETH and MNX/USD have been added and can be traded since early in the afternoon, Kiev time.

About EXMO

EXMO is an international crypto exchange, enjoying a daily volume of more than 5500 btc and 44k + active traders (ranked higher than kucoin currently). Their interface is user-friendly and visually appealing. No doubt you will appreciate seeing Minexcoin pairs on EXMO!

Wait! MNX on HitBTC??

Some of our members have noticed the MNX ticker, this morning on HITBTC. It appears nothing can stay “hidden” for long from our sharp community members! As a reminder, we announced in june that efforts were made to be listed on HITBTC. Exchange listing is a long and far from effortless task, both on the technical but also paperwork side. However, we will make an official announcement once Minexcoin is ready to be traded on HITBTC.



Minexcoin | MinexPay

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