Ibragim Minel
2 min readDec 6, 2015

The Tale of lost time or how to be more organized

In this article I will tell you about how I plan my life.

  1. Minimum program. First of all we have to understand that there is no magic pill which will help us do everything in time.Perhaps, for me it was the most difficult. So I started making a list of mandatory cases, which must be fulfilled in any case. For example, clean dishes, cooked dinner, playing with my sister, fitness for 30 minutes, the article on the site, etc. If all these things are made, and there is a desire and power, so I take the other cases. It is important to realize that even a small step brings you closer to your goal.

2.The scheduling method.We are all different, so pick up the planning method that best suits you. For example, I prefer make daily notes :)

3. Motivation. One of the main concept. You can make plans every day but these plans will remain on paper as long as you do not have the motivation. So, before you make a list of cases, think — what you do? What do you get if you follow this case, and what will lose if you do not follow? If you want to lose weight, go to the store and buy clothing several sizes smaller, and it will be something to strive for!

4. Care about yourself. We often strive to make more money, have fun, and so on, but completely forget about our health. There aremany books and articles about it, so it makes no sense begin to talk about the benefits of proper nutrition and exercise. I just want to remind you that if you do not love and do not care about yourself, then you are cheating yourself! Also take time spiritual and emotional side, and then you’ll get more!