5 secrets for perfect auto fan curve at minerstat

Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2018

A lot of new users that come to us from other mining management systems are interested in setting up the auto fan option.

đź’ˇ Tip: Before we implemented an auto fan feature that is available in the ClockTune for all of our users (free and paying), you were able to set up auto fan curve through the triggers. Please do note that we encourage you to use ClockTune for auto fans as it is a faster and more convenient way. For extreme limits, you can still use the triggers.

Triggers are smart actions that are activated when a certain condition is met. You can select between various option for monitoring, and one of them is the temperature of your mining rig. If you are hearing about the triggers for the first time now, we suggest you take a look at this tutorial.

In this post, we will show you 5 secrets that will help you set up a perfect auto-fan curve at minerstat.

1. Triggers will override your ClockTune settings

The first thing that you need to know is that fans can be controlled at two points of the minerstat dashboard. First is ClockTune and the other are triggers. If you set a ClockTune profile with fans at a certain level and then set triggers, the triggers will over-ride the ClockTune fan settings when activated.


Let’s say that your target temperature is 60°C and you reach it that when your fans are around 60%. It is meaningful that you set the fans at 60% at your ClockTune profile in this case.

To make sure that your temperature won’t be too high, you can set up triggers. Here are a few examples:

  • If the temperature is higher than 70°C, set the fans at 80% (this trigger will cool the machine down).
  • If the temperature is higher than 80°C, restart the software (this trigger will restart the mining and cool the machine down a little bit).
  • If the temperature is higher than 90°C, shut down the machine (this trigger will shut down the machine as it probably didn’t cool down enough - to turn it back on, you will need smart relays or be present at your mining operation).

2. Set the trigger for lower temperatures as well

In the upper example, we only took into consideration that the temperature is increasing. But, if the temperature returns back to 60°C (or even lower) after the first trigger is fired, the fans will stay at 80%. This is because the trigger overrode the ClockTune settings.

To take total control over the temperature, we need to set a trigger for lower temperatures as well.


To the triggers above, we should add at least one trigger that looks like this:

  • If the temperature is higher than 40°C, set the fans at 60% (this trigger will make sure that fans aren’t too fast).

3. Make sure the temperatures aren’t too close to each other

One of the things miners usually want to do is set triggers with temperatures that are as close together as possible. For this reason, we limited the step between temperatures to 5°C (instead of 1°C). However, even 5°C is a relatively small step. Keep in mind that triggers are checked every minute. In one minute a temperature can increase by more than 5°C and stacking triggers for every 5°C is not something you would want for your machine. It would mean that the fans would be set every few moments and probably even in vain as the effect they are trying to achieve wouldn’t even come (since the machine would already be in the new state).

4. You don’t actually need the curve

Connected to number 3, you have now probably realized that you don’t actually need a fan curve, but you need to find that sweet spots that will not overwhelm your machine with triggers but still keep the temperature at the levels you want. This is, of course, different for every mining setup. If you have one rig and the temperature in the room is not too hot, you can keep the fans at a lower level than someone who has a lot of rigs and not the best cooling system.

5. Check when the action was triggered at your worker’s log

You probably already know what temperature is the best for your mining rigs, so by following the upper examples and tweaking the numbers, you will set fairy good triggers. But to check if the numbers are actually healthy for your mining system, you will need to open the worker’s statistics. At the right side (or at the bottom if you are using screens with the resolution lower than 1600 px in width) you will find the worker’s latest activity section. In this section, you are able to see all alerts that you have activated, all triggers that you have set, your manual actions, profit switches, and other interesting stuff that helps you find the problems with the worker.

So, in case you see that your triggers are activated every minute, we suggest you take a different approach. Maybe use fewer points for temperature checking or higher fan speed.

If you need help with it, you can find us on Discord.

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