5 simple minerstat features you have probably missed

Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2018

Four weeks ago we have opened minerstat for our existing customers and gave them an option to migrate from the old version of minerstat to the new one. Two weeks ago we have started inviting miners that were interested in applying for the early access. To be honest, we did expect a lot of sign-ups, but we were surprised to see there were 8 times more applications than the expected number - and applications are still coming. This is why we have decided to invite you all slowly and not to overwhelm our platform.

A week or two isn’t nearly enough to try everything out or to explore and test out all the tiny details that can easily be missed. So, here are 5 interesting minerstat features that you might have overlooked.

#1 Switch between workers with your keyboard

When you have your worker’s details page opened, you can switch to the second worker in two ways. You have probably already seen the first option - button with the arrow showing down, opening a menu with all workers listed there. The second option is using your left and right keyboard buttons. Left will return to the previous worker (or at the end of the list if you have opened the first worker) and right will go to the next worker (or at the beginning of the list if you have opened the last worker).

#2 Change your custom avatar

minerstat could function totally fine without avatars - but we still wanted to give you a more personalized dashboard - a dashboard where you will feel as comfortable as possible. And if you are a mining manager or you have added team members, it is useful to distinguish between them by avatars. If you don’t like the color or the motive on the avatar, you can easily generate a new one. Just go to your settings and click on the button [Change]. But be careful - once you change the avatar, there is no way back 😄

#3 Explore themes

One thing that is really popular these days are custom themes. We have designed both the light and the dark theme of minerstat and you can switch under your settings. But we didn’t stop just there. At the moment of writing this, minerstat+ users have additional two themes available - hacker theme and electric theme. We are planning to add even more of them.

#4 Check worker’s latest activity on your worker’s stats page

We bet that out of all statistics pages worker’s details page is the one you are checking out the most. But, did you check out the worker’s stats page yet? If not, there is a worker’s latest activity column that lists all important historical events out for you. These events aren’t connected to the alerts and triggers, but you can quickly see if your worker went offline, came back online, which GPUs had the higher temperature or when worker’s efficiency or hashrate dropped. Please note that these events are checked every 10 minutes.

#5 Manage your rigs with Telegram

minerstat is a remote management and monitoring software where you can restart the software, reboot the machine, or shut down the machine through your web dashboard. But, if you have connected Telegram to your account (which you can do under alerts), you can also manage your rigs by talking to our Telegram bot. Type in /help and the bot will list you the actions you can use:

  • /restart worker
  • /reboot worker
  • /shutdown worker




minerstat® is the top platform for ASIC and GPU crypto mining monitoring and management. Enjoy hassle-free mining with our cutting-edge software.