Diagnostic: More data and live audits

Published in
5 min readDec 8, 2019

A few weeks ago we have introduced a renewed diagnostic page. For free users, the functionalities didn’t change much, while paying users now benefit from a very detailed report, which will help them keep their mining operation in good health.

Instead of a simple list of errors, the diagnostic is now organized in five different tabs, which we will describe in detail in this blog post. Each of the tabs also includes several links to help pages where we explain what each measurement and feature means and how to improve it.


In the summary tab, you will first be able to the grades from other tabs and an overall grade for the last 7 days (up to yesterday).

This is followed by a real-time summary, which is a summarized version of the old diagnostic page. In four different tiles we show you:

  • Status grade: This depends on how many offline and idle workers you have.
  • Temperature grade: This depends on how many workers are over the hot and very hot temperature limits. Temperature limits can be set in the worker’s config.
  • Missing data grade: This depends on how many workers with missing temperature and fan data you have.
  • Mining issues: This depends on how many workers with missing hashrate (0 H/s) and low efficiency (< 98%) you have.

Clicking on the arrow below the number, you will be able to see a list of all affected workers.

💡 Note: In the old diagnostic page there was an option to filter the issues. We have removed this option from diagnostic, as it is now for a while available directly from the workers’ page. Since filtering on the workers’ page is way more advanced than it was the one in the old diagnostic page, we decided to keep this real-time summary in a more compact and easier to read format.


In the account tab you will be able to see your account grade, which depends on the following criteria:

  • Did you set 2FA? With 2FA you ensure that your account is secured, which is why it is really important to set it up.
  • Did you set the alerts? With alerts, you get notified on the important events.
  • Did you set the triggers? With triggers, you can auto-fix certain issues.


In the statistics tab, you will be able to see your statistics grade, which depends on the following criteria:

  • Uptime: The higher the uptime, the better the grade.
  • Volatility: The lower the volatility, the better the grade.

Statistics tab also includes profitability trend chat, which shows average daily profitability and daily profitability range (excluding the offline periods).


In the activity tab, you will be able to see your activity grade, which is a combination of several different grades.

  • Grades from automated alerts: For each of the alert type, you will get a grade in regard to how often the alert was sent per individual worker. It is good to have alerts turned on, but there shouldn’t be too many of them.
  • Grades from automated triggers: For each of the trigger type, you will get a grade in regard to how often the trigger was fired per individual worker. It is good to set up triggers, but there shouldn’t be too many of them.
  • Console logs on msOS: For your msOS rigs you will be able to see the grade for each type of alert per individual worker. The goal is to have zero console errors.


The last tab is currently available only to those using msOS. In this tab, you don’t get any grades, as each worker can be examined individually.

There is a filter row, which will help you quickly filter through your workers by their name or group.

Filter row is followed by a workers’ list, which will show:

  • Worker’s name;
  • Worker’s groups;
  • Number of console errors from yesterday;
  • Date of the last audit;
  • Button to generate a full audit.

By clicking on the button for a full audit, a pop-up window will open where you will be able to check your latest audit or generate a new one. It usually takes up to a minute for an audit to be generated and if you don’t want to wait, you can just close the pop-up and return to it back later.

The audit includes different sections. If each section is problematic, the icon will be colored in red and explanation text will be shown along with the recommendations.


Network audit includes the following measurements:

  • Download speed: The speed of your rig’s download capability.
  • Upload speed: The speed of your rig’s upload capability.
  • Latency: The time your rig needed to ping the minerstat server.
  • IPv4: True or false, if your rig can resolve IPv4.
  • Net type: The type of your net - Ethernet or WiFi.


Drive audit includes the following measurements:

  • Drive space: Free and total space on your drive.
  • Disk read/write speed: The speed of your drive.
  • Swap: Dedicated memory on the disk.


Hardware audit includes the following measurements:

  • Memory: Total and free memory.
  • PCIe: PCI Express Link Speed settings.
  • iGPU: Yes or no, if the integrated (Intel HD) GPU is enabled.


CPU audit includes the following measurements:

  • CPU usage: Information on different CPU(s) status (user, nice, system, I/O wait, steal, and idle).
  • I/O: Read, write, and TPS.

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