How to connect minerstat triggers and smart relays with IFTTT

Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2018

IFTTT is a free tool that helps you to get your apps and devices talking to each other. The acronym IFTTT stands for “If This Then That”.

Because minerstat can only communicate with the device when the mining hardware is successfully connected to the internet, miners and mining managers are required to use a smart switch/relay that is able to take actions even when the mining hardware froze or the network stopped working. This is where IFTTT comes into the game.

IFTTT can help you connect minerstat triggers with your mining hardware.

Please note that in this post we have used an example with Smart Life relays, but the same procedure can be used for Sonoff relays, Wemo outlets (Wemo outlets even offer a toggle action so they only require one trigger), and others.

Get started

To set up smart monitoring with minerstat and IFTTT, you will need:

Make sure that you download the Smart Life mobile app and set up accounts on both IFTTT and minerstat. If you have any troubles setting your mining operation up, read this tutorial.

Smart Life settings

First, add all of your smart outlets or relay devices to your Smart Life mobile app.

minerstat settings

Create two unresponsive triggers.

  • The first trigger will send you an e-mail that your rig is down for X minutes. This trigger will be used to turn the worker off when it became unresponsive.
  • The second trigger will send you an e-mail that your rig is down for Y minutes. This trigger will occur after the first one and will be used to turn the worker back on.

The trigger for the unresponsive rig will send an e-mail with the subject: “WorkerName has been unresponsive for Z minutes”.

To learn more about triggers, read this tutorial.

Connect devices and apps

  1. Go to your IFTTT account and create a new applet.
  2. Click on this.
  3. Type Gmail in the search field and select it as your “this” option.
  4. Choose New email in inbox from search.
  5. Type in the search parameters that will be used to trigger the smart outlet or relay OFF: “WorkerName has been unresponsive for X minutes”, where X is the same number as set in the first minerstat trigger and WorkerName is the name of your worker.
  6. Click on Create trigger.
  7. Click on that.
  8. Choose SmartLife from the search field.
  9. Select Turn off for your action.
  10. Select the smart outlet that applies to your worker WorkerName.
  11. Click on Create action.

The same procedure then needs to be repeated for the trigger that will turn the device back on. The only differences are in steps 5 and 9:

5. Type in the search parameters that will be used to trigger the smart outlet or relay ON: “WorkerName has been unresponsive for Y minutes”, where Y is the same number as set in the second minerstat trigger and WorkerName is the name of your worker.

9. Select Turn on for your action.

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