配備IR相機的新款AirPods可望提升人機交互體驗與強化Apple空間音訊/空間運算生態 / New IR Camera-Equipped AirPods to Enhance User-Device Interaction and Strengthen Apple’s Spatial Audio/Computing Ecosystem
2 min readJun 30, 2024
- 我的供應鏈調查指出,Apple預計在2026年量產新款配備相機模組的AirPods。此相機模組規格類似iPhone Face ID的IR相機/接收端 (非發射端)。
- 此IR相機的NPI應商是鴻海,IR相機目前年產能規劃為1,800–2,000萬顆,約等同1,000萬個AirPods,實際需求與訂單則需視屆時市場狀況而定。
- 此新款AirPods預期可與Vision Pro與Apple未來的頭戴裝置搭配使用,以提升空間音訊的用戶體驗並強化空間運算生態。例如:當用戶用Vision Pro看影片並佩戴此新款AirPods時,若轉頭看向某一方向時,則可強調該方向的音源,提升空間音訊/運算體驗。
- 因IR相機模組可偵測環境影像變化,故此新款AirPods可能也會支援隔空手勢操作,以提升人機交互體驗。值得注意的是Apple曾經申請過相關專利。
- Apple的硬體、軟體與服務規劃向來都是以強化生態競爭力為關鍵,空間運算也不例外。待未來空間運算的商業化條件更成熟,在此領域有顯著領先優勢的Apple可望將迎來新強勁成長動能。
- My latest supply chain survey indicates that Apple plans to mass-produce new AirPods with camera modules by 2026, featuring an IR camera similar to the iPhone Face ID receiver (not the transmitter).
- Foxconn is the new product introduction (NPI) supplier for the IR camera, with an annual capacity plan of 18–20 million units, or about 10 million AirPods. Actual demand and orders will depend on market conditions.
- The new AirPods is expected to be used with Vision Pro and future Apple headsets to enhance the user experience of spatial audio and strengthen the spatial computing ecosystem. For example, when a user is watching a video with Vision Pro and wearing this new AirPods, if users turn their heads to look in a specific direction, the sound source in that direction can be emphasized to enhance the spatial audio/computing experience.
- The IR camera can detect environmental image changes, potentially enabling in-air gesture control to enhance human-device interaction. It is worth noting that Apple has filed related patents in this area.
- Apple’s planning for hardware, software and services has always focused on strengthening the competitiveness of the ecosystem, and spatial computing is no exception. As the commercialization conditions for spatial computing mature in the future, Apple, which has a significant lead in this area, is expected to generate new and strong growth momentum.