3D Printing Survey Updates / 3D列印調查更新

郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)
1 min readJul 17, 2023


  1. CNC has grown rapidly since Apple started using it, and 3D printing is likely to replicate this success story. Key suppliers are IPG Photonics for laser components and Farsoon and BLT for 3D printers.
  2. If the 3D printing industry grows rapidly due to Apple’s adoption, the supply of laser components may be tight.
  3. Titanium is the most commonly used metal in 3D printing production, with a wide range of applications such as medical and aerospace. This may be one of the main reasons for Apple to start with titanium components when adopting 3D printing technology.
  4. 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process, which is less wasteful compared to CNC subtractive manufacturing. Since the price of titanium is higher, the titanium parts produced by 3D printing are more cost-effective.
  5. The world’s thinnest folding machine, Magic V2, just released by Glory, also uses 3D printing technology. The titanium shaft cover can increase strength with reduced thickness. Honor’s 3D printing supply chain includes IPG Photonics (laser components), Golden Sun Abrasives (surface treatment) and BLT (3D printers).
  1. CNC在Apple開始採用後快速成長,3D列印有可能會複製此成功故事。關鍵供應商為雷射零部件的IPG Photonics,以及3D印表機供應商的華曙高科與鉑力特。
  2. 若3D列印產業因Apple採用而快速成長,則雷射零組件有可能會出現供應緊張。
  3. 鈦是3D列印生產中最常被用到的金屬,應用範圍廣泛,如醫療、航太等。這可能是Apple採用3D列印技術時,先從鈦機構件開始做起的主要理由之一。
  4. 3D列印是加法生產,與CNC的減法生產相較下更不浪費,因鈦單價較高,故採用3D列印生產的鈦金屬件更節省成本。
  5. 榮耀剛發佈的全球最薄的摺疊機Magic V2,也採用了3D列印技術。鈦軸蓋可同時降低厚度並提高強度。榮耀的3D列印供應商為IPG Photonics (雷射零組件)、金太陽 (表面處理) 與鉑力特 (3D印表機廠商)。
圖片來源:榮耀官網 (2023.7)



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.