AMD’s AI chip shipments are expected to grow rapidly in 2024 & 2025 / AMD 2024 & 2025年AI晶片出貨預期將快速成長

郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)
1 min readOct 10, 2023
  1. My latest survey indicates that AMD’s AI chip shipments for 2024 (mainly the MI300A) will be about 10% of Nvidia’s (CoWoS-based).
  2. Microsoft is the largest customer for AMD’s AI chips in 2024 (with over 50% shipped to Microsoft), followed by Amazon. Meta and Google are currently testing AMD’s AI chips, with Meta being more likely to be the next CSP customer for AMD’s AI chips.
  3. AMD’s primary target market for its AI chips is CSPs, as CSPs have superior software capabilities that can address AMD’s software weakness.
  4. In 2025, CSPs are still expected to be the main customers for AMD’s AI chips. If the cooperation between Microsoft and AMD goes well, and AMD wins orders from Meta and Google, AMD’s AI chip shipments are expected to significantly reach 30% or more of Nvidia’s (CoWoS-based) in 2025.
  1. 我最新的調查顯示,AMD的2024年AI晶片出貨量 (主要是MI300A) 約為Nvidia的約10% (採用CoWoS製程)。
  2. Microsoft為AMD 2024年AI晶片最大客戶(超過50%出貨給Microsoft),其次為Amazon。Meta與Google測試AMD AI晶片中,預期Meta成為AMD AI晶片的下一個CSP客戶之機會較高。
  3. AMD AI晶片主要銷售對象為CSP,因為CSP的軟體能力較高,可解決AMD在軟體方面的弱項。
  4. 2025年AMD的AI晶片主要客戶預期仍為CSP,若Microsoft與AMD合作順利,且AMD能取得Meta與Google訂單,則預計2025年AMD的AI晶片出貨量可顯著達Nvidia的約30%或以上 (採用CoWoS製程)。



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.