Intel will likely use 18A advanced node to manufacture ARM’s own chips, benefiting Intel’s foundry business / Intel可能會採用18A先進製程製造ARM自家芯片,這對英特爾的晶圓代工業務可能是利多


  1. Intel and ARM announced a collaboration to optimize ARM IP for Intel’s 18A advanced node. It will reduce the cost and risk for customers using ARM IP to adopt Intel 18A.
  2. My latest survey indicates that the cooperation between ARM and Intel is wider than advanced node optimization. ARM is likely to become an Intel 18A customer, which means that Intel will use 18A to produce ARM’s own chips.
  3. With no baseband IP and less multimedia-related IP, ARM is unlikely to compete with existing smartphone customers (such as Apple, Qualcomm, etc.). However, if ARM’s own chips ship smoothly, this shipment record will still benefit Intel’s foundry business and attract orders from other customers, especially for HPC/computing applications.
  1. Intel與ARM曾宣布合作,在Intel的18A先進製程上優化ARM IP,此舉降低採用ARM IP的客戶採用Intel 18A的成本與風險。
  2. 我最新的調查顯示,ARM和Intel之間的合作不僅限於先進製程優化。ARM很可能成為Intel 18A客戶,這意味著Intel將使用18A生產ARM自家晶片。
  3. 由於沒有baseband IP,且較欠缺多媒體相關 IP,故ARM不太可能與現有智慧型手機客戶 (如蘋果、高通等) 競爭。 不過,如果ARM自家晶片出貨順利,此出貨記錄仍將有利於Intel的晶圓代工業務,可吸引其他客戶的訂單,尤其是HPC/純計算應用。



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.